Volatile: The DNA Thief (And M15CR3-ANT)

Straight off the bat, I want to give credit to Shadowgear6335 for the DNA idea.

Ability: He sends out his mosquito-bot to suck “blood” from his enemies (Whether in a swarm, or alone, I am not sure). Once they have enough genetic material, their protodermoid proboscis turns trans neon green. Then, they bring it back and inject it into a trans case. Volatile then attaches this case to his Syringe/harpoon gun and it instantly creates something that is malevolent to the genetic material of his opponent giving him an edge. I will explore this idea more in the future, and Volatile is not going anywhere.


(Contents of the trans-case)

(Three other ‘Example’ DNA samples of some of my other characters)

(M15CR3-ANT in hand and ready to obtain some DNA)

Taking off (Note: the M15CR3-ANT unit uses a combination of hovercraft, gliding, and insect technologies to create lift)

(M15CR3-ANT units have an internal instinct to return to Volatile, they even perch on him to await orders and insert their catch straight into an empty case)

(Almost like that of ‘tame’ hummingbirds from the planet known as Earth, the M15CR3-ANT units unload their contents into the ‘palm’ of Volatile’s hand)

(A M15CR3-ANT unit, without any contents, Note: the solid protodermis proboscis)

(A M15CR3-ANT unit, filled with potential DNA, Note: the trans-neon protodermis proboscis is evidence of its data-rich state)

(A M15CR3-ANT ejecting its contents into a trans-case, Note: This particular M15CR3-ANT unit seems to have acquired genetic material from the one known as, Dextrix)

(The M15CR3-ANT units may even go directly to the weapon itself and attach themselves)

I hope you all have enjoyed this fellow! I certainly have! I feel it is some of my best work yet! And to think, he started out with a White/Tan/Lime/Silver color scheme! I am very happy with how he turned out and I cannot wait to continue to evolve him!


this guys is pretty neat, i like his colors

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Pretty cool! Although he looks a bit weird without any neck and with such a small head, he also looks neat. Love the amount of details on him. Interesting concept and a pretty good execution! Btw his weapon gives me Bioshock vibes, probably because It is also a giant syringe.


Just looking at it makes me itch. Ugh, mosquitos.

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He’s terrifying. I love it!

I am legitimately scared.
This is amazing.

The torso seems sorta long and skinny, but it looks pretty cool otherwise!

I feel like there’s a bit too much skrall armor, but that’s very minor. Keep it up! :wink:

Awesome MOC dude! I like his colour scheme ^-^

He’s big, AND green. What more could you want?

The system on the torso seems a bit… off. That really is nit-picking however and the name of the M15CR3-ANT is perfect!


So he’s essentially Jurassic Park man?

I see what you did there :stuck_out_tongue:


This is pretty neat! great work!

hm…you’ve give me an idea

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Great job with this one.

This MOC looks awesome! I love how solid you made it look at such a large scale!

So, uh… where’d you get the trans green miru? (It’s a great MOC BTW).

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bricklink, I got it for like $5.00 ish

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