Voltron Legendary Defender

This was something I made to celebrate season 2 of Voltron being released on Netflix!

Black Lion:

Blue and Yellow lions

Red and Green lions

Combine to form Voltron!!!


Too much amazing! Everything about this looks amazing, both the five lions, and the combined form. I absolutely love it.
Also, I feel this is completely obligatory.

Also I would love some instructions.


It has its issues, but still well done.

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This looks great! The memories… Anyway it looks like voltron’s head is stuck staring at the ceiling, but beside that it looks really cool.

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Yeah about the instructions… ummmmmm he’s kinda. Not assembled right now… (I dismantled it) a

It has flaws but the fact they combine correctly goes a long way towards me forgetting them.

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yours looks awesome! i built this a little while ago.:smiley:


Woah man. That’s way better than mine. I can’t tell, is it G1 Voltron or the new one?

Oh. Alright then.

its kind of a mix of both. i didn’t realize i had incorporated aspects from both until it was done. :laughing: yours is still just as awesome! I’m willing to bet the only reason its not as big is because you just didn’t have the parts.

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Naw I have more legos than I need. It’s mainly cause I’m lazy :ok_hand:

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Not bad. The individual animals look nice, as does the mech.

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i encourage you to try your hand at a bigger one. :wink:

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