Vonik, Toa of Electricity

Back again with a new MOC!

This MOC was pretty much inspired to be a MOC with very limited G1 parts, making this a different style for me: A Well armored, custom build CCBS figure.

I hope you guys think I did well!

Check out the entire Flickr album HERE!



I really love the flow of the armor, but the sword is pretty thick.



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Maybe you should find an alternative way to build the sword’s blade.

The edge looks a tad dull :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’ll see what I can do! I’m not one for building custom weapons, but thanks for the suggestion! :smiley:

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@Saxton :heart_eyes: please can I have instructions for the legs? They are amazing

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“This baby can cut through Makuta like the handle of a dull knife through butter” /s

The moc itself is pretty good though, and I really don’t have any major critiques.


I’m also new to custom swords… I have seen large blunt weapons in a few games and films. Maybe it could be like that? But anyway the MOC itself is great!

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The chest fits perfectly! I’m diggin the sword as well. Any chance it was inspired by Final Fantasy?

Wait, is that a gearbox I see?

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Sword makes me think of dragon slayer. That’s sick!

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Thanks for the positive comments, everyone!

Well, this is nothing spe-
(Sees back of legs)

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Who needs a sharp sword when you can painfully bludgeon your enemies to death?


Awesome! great work!

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There could be some gold on the lower legs, but TBH, that doesn’t really take away from the overall look of the MOC. And I will say that, I’m a huge fan of the solid build that you gave this MOC!

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I really like this, interesting build and design.

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Interesting. I like the flow of the armor and the way you utilized the trans blue bones, looking to emulate electricity.

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Very nice!
It has a consistent color scheme and consistent smooth texturing!
(One nick pick I would change would be to include a small amount of white in the build (it would look more “electricity-like” to me ))

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Nice MOC.

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Definitely looks like electricity, and some great custom and well armored limbs!

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