Voriki, Miserable Toa of Energy
“Memories— hurt…”
Toa Voriki, ‘guardian’ of Karzahni.
“Arm… work… please…”
Voriki’s exposed energy core.
Kept on a chain by the Mad Titan himself.
The screams do nothing to make the pain end faster.
“Are you… hurt? I… will help…”
Bio: The pet project of the Mad Titan Karzahni, Toa Voriki is the ruler’s “crowning achievement,” cobbled together from the remains of a few Toa unfortunate enough to find their way to the cursed realm. But just as the titan is incapable of repairing Matoran… his ability to create a Toa is equally lacking. Voriki’s body is a mess of mismatched parts from the three perished Toa, haphazardly thrown together. Parts of his body have reduced functionality, and crucial inner workings lay exposed, simply because Karzahni likes to look at them.
Life is miserable for those in the realm of Karzahni… and this goes doubly true for Voriki. Indeed… this desire to help is one of the few things Voriki’s fractured mind can cling to.
Personality: Voriki’s mind is a turbulent, fractured place. Karzahni’s worst work occurred with the repairing of his crystalline brain, and the results are evident. The Toa of Energy sometimes dissociates, entirely losing his sense of self, especially when under emotional duress. Worsening this, Voriki is plagued by memories from the past lives of the Toa his body is made of, further disrupting his already tenuous sense of self. Being a glorified toy for Karzahni to tinker with also means he is constantly being modified, regardless of how painful it is for his body. Voriki’s speech patterns are erratic, and he is severely lacking in all but the most basic of social skills. And yet… somehow Voriki inherited a sense of Duty from the Toa his body is made of. He routinely patrols the realm of Karzahni, saving Matoran in peril, despite never having learned this trait from the Mad Titan.
Abilities/Tools: As a Toa of Energy, Voriki is able to manifest and control bolts, beams, balls, and blast of Energy. He also possesses trace powers from his the former Toa who make up his body (fire, gravity, psionics), though these manifest very inconsistently. He wears an strange, unknown Kanohi. Voriki wields no Toa Tool of any kind, as Karzahni would never trust Voriki with one.
My version of the meme-tastic Toa of Energy. Straddles the line between “cool” and “needlessly edgy” a bit close, but I think that’s fitting for a character with the history of Voriki. And having him be an sort of Frankenstein-type creation allows him to still be a Toa of Energy without introducing an entire new element to my AU.