Update to the enhanced Vorox MOC I posted here a while ago; this time aiming to remain more set accurate and create further distinction between the original Glatoran and the mechanical enhancements. Also featuring a Zesk enhanced in the same style.
Curious, what was your inspiration for this accessorizing of these two? It certainly doesn’t really fit the Bionicle look, but it is very interesting nonetheless. I really like how it seems as though their mechanical parts have proper motion.
@Kanohi_Cantri The concept of these was inspired by the Strogg from the Quake franchise (specifically Quake II and Quake 4), which are a race of beings who invade planets and consume their resources, assimilating the inhabitants into their own army with enhancements added to improve combat effectiveness.
Not fitting the Bionicle look was definitely intentional; I wanted the enhancements to look less like a Bionicle MOC and more like an inside-out technic build to really create that distinction.
In-universe, these were created by a Glatoran named Dominus who rejected the ‘easier’ life after Mata Nui replenished the planets resources and the Matoran and Toa shared their technology with the inhabitants of Spherus Magna. Dominus had lost so much to the brutal life on Bara Magna that he felt betrayed when he suddenly became obsolete, which eventually grew into a hatred of both Agori and Glatoran. As a result, Dominus began kidnapping and experimenting, fusing mechanical enhancements onto both Agori and Glatorian and assimilating them into an army which he would use to take revenge on those who, from his point of view, turned their back on him. There’s a bit more to his backstory that makes his eventual turn a bit more understandable, but it’s safe to say that he’d be considered a villain. I also have the idea that he’s creating these in an abandoned lab originally used by the Great Beings, but I haven’t fully fleshed out how he gains access to that yet.
Sorry for the essay
Cool concept. Cool realization. Cool backstory. They are awesome. They are cyborgs in a world where everybody is cyborg. Are those amortization legs move at all, or they are static? What those weapons do?
@Lesnichiy There’s decent ankle articulation and some limited movement around the top of the mechanical leg (where the foot would attach). The spring pieces also have some motion but nothing especially useful.
EDIT: Forgot to mention the weapons! Attached to the Zesk is a heavy minigun - while it doesn’t have a particularly fast fire rate, each shot packs a punch and becomes more explosive the longer it is airborne (up to a certain point). The Vorox on the other hand wields a rocket launcher equivalent. I’m still working out the specifics of what they’re firing, but they’re not physical rounds and are a form of energy comparable to the Blasters from Star Wars but with a bit more punch.
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, I love the camera angles and the mechanical style. Awesome job.
Amazing, these cyborg mocs are awesome!
So monstrous and mechanical looking. I love them both.
Very nice.
Velika’s army is poised to grab for the victory of the Second Spherus Magna Civil War.
Really cool, love how you managed to make the mechanical parts look.