This topic is going to be for my small scale System builds. These include things that a minifig cannot ride, such as a robot, or an animal of some sort, the latter of which being a rarer occurrence. I’ll also probably post custom minifigures here as well. Anywho, on with the builds!
(Inspired by Killzone Shadowfall)
“The K-43 Recovery Drone is a small but agile light craft capable of picking up and carrying small arms to it’s operator. It carries a small laser rifle at all times to subdue opponents. It is also able to create a short zipline for use by it’s operator.”
This build was relatively simple and easy compared to the following. The only problem I really faced was the use of dark blue on the wing parts.
(Inspired by Titanfall)
“The XR-32 Advanced Combat Frame is an experimental humanoid robot that will eventually be used by squad leaders in the 12th Lunar Legion. Details about the sensorium are highly classified by the Lunar Federation.”
This one took hours to perfect. I think the hardest part was getting the Invasion From Below legs to work on that small hip axis. The upper torso was relatively easy to achieve.
As I said before, I’ll post more things here as soon as I complete them.
Very cool. But why am I the way I am? the second time I’ve been done by someone and I’m orange for some reason. (Last time was @Oonie and his shape people things that I can’t remember what they were called for sure) lol