War Makuta (MOC)

This is what i envision what makuta would look like if he and Ekimu were to go to a War or something. I know i dont think this ever happens in G2 but i like to think it happened im my AU With the flash of light they dont beat makuta and makuta warps the Toa all back in time when the maskmakers city was still standing Strong and Beautiful and then… It wasnt. because almost right after they arived. a war started! Yaaaayyyy and when they sneak into the castle gate they see This makuta, and Ekimu (Ekimu is bassically this design but any bones that can be used in Trans-blue would be used. but i dont have a
mask of creation. (Anymore) so your gonna have to wait for that. :stuck_out_tongue:
pictures----->War Makuta - Album on Imgur (New version. War Makuta MOC 2.0 - Album on Imgur)


it’s just
a tiny makuta
nothing amazing imo


I know. i dont have alot of peices like you guys do.

I have a feeling the boards are going to be fun in the upcoming weeks.

Have you heard of @Toaofredpins?


Like @Ghosty said, it’s just a small makuta.
Nothing really impressive.

It’s too simple to really have anything wrong with it, which is not as good of a thing as it might sound.

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######Please try to post this in a “private link”, the comment section is negative.
The moc is pretty plain, only good thing is the color I guess.

Dude to have the mask of control means you gotta at least have an Umarak set, so I know that you could have done a better version, just keep Mocing.

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As for the moc: simple, very simple. Even my first moc wasn’t that simple.

It really lacks…life. It just feels lackluster. Still the build isn’t specifically at fault

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My words exactly.

Don’t speak his name ;-;

Some say he still haunts the boards


@Tobin-Bartram Oh i did a better version all right.

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Awesome improvement, if I had to say anything at all, MOAR purple, though in all honesty its a coool Moc.