
I’m gonna assume the hitler one is the bad one.

mainly cause Demo deserves no. 1

Is poo poo

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@codenamelego39 @Das101fulYT
you’ve seen all their content right? Or only some of the vids?


I’ve seen maybe 25 or 30 vids. I’ll post some when I’m not at school (blocklist)

some a couple of times.

I dunno, this channel is alright.

Then again, I’m the sort of ScreenRant watcher, and of the kind, so yeah.

The Buzzfeed of YouTube.

There’s a Buzzfeed youtube channel

You know what I mean.

I liked about 7 of their videos, I hate the rest.

Seriously, DIO was number one on the vote list and then WM decided that nope Alucard should be in number one in the video. Actually they never use JoJo in almost any of their lists(Jonathan got an honorable mention in a Top 10 anime deaths list, and Speedwagon was an actual entry in a Top 10 anime sidekicks list).

I wouldn’t be surprised if they posted something along the lines of “Top 10 Uncles in Cartoons” or something. WatchMojo, for all I know, seems to be a great channel for extremely pointless and trivial Top 10s.


Lately they’ve been doing a lot of Top 10 (insert subject) of the 2010s. Like, it’s only 2016, can’t you wait another 3 or 4 years?


They’re desperate for topics.