weapons: crowbar and super gravity gun

Two weapons inspired from the infamous half life games the crowbar and zero point energy field manipulator[S] or super gravity gun

I made these weapons in order to test out the custom hands of Sora which work like a charm and still do the build process for both weapons is easy as they ain’t 1/1 accurate due to parts limitations

The crowbar follows its colours to the finest point as well as allowing for mutiple places to hold it by in order to clear a room of combine while blasting sector sweep 24/7 to scare the combine just watch out for the zombies and headcrabs and don’t hurt Lamar.

The super gravity gun is primarily made to be held with two hands like the in game counterpart and includes a revolving handle for positioning poses easier is well

Feel free to comment any thoughts or opinion on the builds I enjoy hearing what people have to say


Nice builds. the crowbar looks very crowbar-ish.


They look pretty nice. I like the crowbar

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Mmmm, Half-Life stuff.

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