Well Little Johnny

Well little Johnny you weren’t actually hungry it was your natural instinct to eat the very same two-bags of kettle corn that ate your brothers and sisters in cold blood.

What is the internet?

Well little Johnny, the internet is a window to another dimension where everyone escapes to from the real world; like every other alternate dimension, it is strictly governed by aliens and lizard people.

Why do 08 sockets break so easily?

because making light-based abilities requires lighter materials.

Why does irony have to be a thing?

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Well little Johnny it happens when people eat too much iron, the iron coats your words
Why is Lego expensive

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Well you see little Johnny, Lego is expensive because Lego is in high demand, so the greedy bas-er-men at Lego saw they could make more money that way.

Why do legos hurt when you step on them.


Well, My Little Johnny, when you step on a Lego piece, it hurts because the Lego doesn’t like to be stepped on, so he bites your foot.

Why am I never tired past 2:00 am?

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Well little Johnny, you’re really just a neglected vampire that I found on the curb of the street under a roll of [Bounty Paper Towels, White, 15-Count Package.] (https://www.amazon.com/Bounty-Paper-Towels-15-Count-Package/dp/B0009HW0KC) That’s why you’re still four and I’m sixty-seven.

What’s clickbait?

Well, little Johnny, clickbait is when somebody wants peole to look at something they made by pretending it’s something much better than it is. That, or claiming clicking will give you a great benefit in three days when it will give you a virus.

Why does nobody draw avatars for me?

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Well little Johnny, that’s because your just a tiny shrimp in a sea full of fish, so no one will bother to recognize you. But don’t worry, maybe something even greater than a cruddy drawing is on its way…

Why is there a creepy old man staring at me in that bush?

Well, little Johnny, that is your future self. he has come here to kill you. Give him a hug. Go over to him…

Why am I so hungry?

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Well, little Johnny, it’s because you smell like delicious, delicious lobster.

Why don’t I have any friends?

Well little Johnny, most people don’t like others that only shower once every 29 days and smell of garlic and moldy Cheezits.

Why did two people reply to the same question?


Well, little Johnny, us adults can get impatient sometimes.

Why do I feel so tired?

Well Little Johnny, you feel tired because there are little tiny elves inside you that make you feel sleepy.

it’s totally not that sedative I just snuck into your chocolate milk

Why does pizza taste good?


Well you see you little twerp, Pizza tastes good because you are a human being. if it did not…you should seek help…professional help…

cocks shotgun

Why is the sky blue?


Because it’s really a giant violet
Why do I have so many grenades?
500 error

Well you see little pipsqueak, you have so many grenades because they are romantic, almost as much as detached limbs.

Why is the grass green?

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Because little Johnny, people just like to blow s*** up.

Why do people keep forgetting to say “Well little Johnny”?

Well little Johnny no one likes you and we all want you to go away
Why did you get Kapura’d?
(Poetic Justice if I get Kapura’d right now

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Well you see little punk, You lack basic situational awareness.

Why is water wet?