What? - A quick BIONICLE piece

Taken from Service Records in the Ga-Metru computer archives. Recovered by Matoran Fa.

What is this dark-place… Why am I here? Wait… This tablet. Is it type-recording everything that I am saying?

Stop it. Stop it now.

Where am I?

No response. Figures. Look, machine, where am I? Tell me, what part of Metru Nui is this place? I fell down here after trying to repair some of the chutes, and I’m pretty much trapped down here.

Are you gonna be helpful or not? ERG. And would you STOP typing what I’m saying already you stupid computer? I tell you, I’m gonna disassemble you if you don’t stop. Tell me how to get out of this place. What’s this? Small, thin buttons?

-Incorrect Command-

Oh. I see. These are COMMAND buttons. I wonder what they’ll do. Let’s see… There are 8 buttons here. Looks like this used to be a Ga-Matoran’s tech-learning tablet. No wonder. What’s it doing in this dark hole-chasm where the old chutes used to be? No matter. Perhaps this’ll give me a map of this place, since I tripped-fell down here.

-Incorrect Command-


-Incorrect Command-


-What would you like me to show you?-

Aha! That’s the button.

-Incorrect Command-

-What would you like me to show you?-

Do you have a map of the old underground chute systems?

-Most certainly. Searching…-


Well that’s ever-dumb. Well, I guess I’ll just leave this dumb-old tablet.




Good day, computer. Tell me, where did I leave the Po-Metru great disk again?

-That’s a secret between you and me-

Good… You haven’t disclosed it’s information to anyone. But someone has been using you. I got to destroy you now. Goodbye, learning tablet.



That didn’t end like I thought it would…


It’s a secret to everyone.

shhhh… tell no one