What Are You Afraid Of?

Everyone’s afraid of something. What is your fear?

Quick rule: no making fun of other fears or calling them ridiculous.
I’ll start: I’m afraid of Wasps and bees. I remember listening to the episode Waspix encounters of the First Kind, and knowing if I’d been Eljay, I’d’ve left the area completely. I used to be afraid of the dark, but I overcame that… somehow.


I’m pretty darn scared of bees. Like, flip-out-when-one-comes-within-10-feet-of-me scared. It has to do with the fact that I’ve been stung about five times by bees, 13 times by wasps and once by a hornet.

My other fears include what happens to my body after I fall from up high. (Not to be confused with a far of heights, just an overactive imagination)

Claustrophobia, being alone and losing my BIONICLE sets. Including Gadunka.


Bugs, creatures, jump scares, anythign that could kill me, heights, nuclear destruction, end of the world, the dark


Mostly that a horror movie creature will crawl either A, from under my bed(and you’d think with how old I am, that wouldn’t be a problem), B, out of my closet, C, my door(activates the five nights at freddy’s door),D, through my window, or E, from the floor(dang it AVPR, you make me think a xenomorph will appear out of no where! Well, * pulls out shotgun * PREPARE TO GET JOE’D


I’m scared of giant spiders and power saws…because 1. I found Minecraft’s bigger than normal spiders really creepy and the idea of a real life one just horrifying to encounter as it jumps at you and 2.In my 10th grade wood-shop class(which I regret taking) I always heard stories about people losing fingers because of a power saw accident.

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Wasps are pretty much the only thing that sets me off. As soon as I see one, I freeze.


Fear itself, being completely isolated, and heights. For the most part my fears are more existential than physical.


I have a fear of anything with an exoskeleton mostly, which basically just cover arachnids, insects, and crustaceans(yet, ironically Kamen Rider’s my favorite show…).
Seriously though, keep lobsters and crabs the heck away from me!
(yes, even pewku)


The Friendzone, all insectoids, Arachnids, HEIGHTS, Xenomorphes, Dora, (Hetalia) Romania, and my fav animes canceled. (There’s way more, but those are the basics.)


Jump scares and spiders.


Fear? Fear’s not a word where I come from!

Instead we have BRAVERY!

Snaps fingers

Now that’s BRAVE!


Thats basically how I feel. Not about honey bees and bumblebees, but certainly about wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets in particular (one time we saw a yellow jacket in our backyard, and I was afraid to step foot out the door!). But its interesting, because I have never once been stung by any of these! I’m just afraid of them. Always have been.

I am also rather terrified of cockroaches. Not those little things, I mean the BIG american cockroaches, or palmetto bugs, or whatever they are called. I literally spend several minutes each nights scanning my room: behind the bed, under the sheets, along the floor, etc. to make sure there are no cockroaches before I go to sleep.

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I know this is off topic, but has anyone heard of the Giant japanese hornet? Those things are scary. They’re the size of an adult’s thumb! and they hurt like heck! And they’re pretty agressive

Yes I have seen pics they are my worst nightmare! I don’t think I have ever seen one, although I have seen some pretty big hornets in the past.

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It’s interesting that many people are afraid of wasps. but Spheskophobia (fear of wasps) doesn’t have its own Wikipedia page.

The words ‘Giant’ and ‘hornet’ do not belong together.

Edit: I don’t know where this is from, but:



You think that’s scary? Here’s one of their queens in a box(note: I do not own the video, I just found it):


Y’know, I never thought I’d say this about a wasp, but that thing’s face is kinda cute. I don’t want one on the same continent as me, but they’re kinda cute.


Terrified of most bugs, one of the most feared being roaches for some reason, don’t know why


Crickets. and rejection.

But mostly crickets.

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Can’t stand how they squirm.