What are your favorite and least favorite genres of music?

Finally found another one

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Oh man. There’s a ton of musical genres that I like; I like most things that fit under the rock/metal, electronic, and classical/orchestral umbrellas. Most “popular” music from these days I don’t really like, and I do tend to like older stuff, but that’s perhaps because I’m not adventurous enough to go find new stuff. I can stand most older pop. But I can’t see myself liking many new rap/hip hop songs… (I adore the old stuff from the 70s-90s, though. Grandmaster Flash ftw)
R&B and jazz can be great if I’m in the mood. Come to think of it, basically it all comes down to the mood.
And I haven’t found that much country that I like. I used to think I didn’t really like it, but then I heard Johnny Cash. He’s pretty much my favorite country artist.
Actually… I just thought of a genre that I actually don’t like at all. Well, mostly. I can’t stand most K/J-pop for some reason.
Also video game soundtracks can be pretty amazing.

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I discovered Wish Upon a Blackstar the other day, and I loved it.

I like electronic stuff mostly, some dubstep can be good but most is just noise.

As far as specific bands go, Daft Punk is easily my favorite.

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Wish Upon a Blackstar is great. I love the diversity between each track and I’m a sucker for concept albums. The Lucky One has cringeworthy lyrics and I feel like Unshakeable could have been better if it weren’t drumstep, but otherwise I have no complaints.

Klayton is actually working on a Blackstar-novel with the writer of Bane of Yoto, Joshua Viola. The first two acts have been released along with scores for the acts. I’m going to get the book myself once it gets finished.

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I am really into different sorts of electronic music. It’s hard to tell what styles I prefer the most, because I like when different styles are mixed.
I also like rock and hip-hop a bit, but very selectively and when different styles are mixed also.
And I have pleasure of classical music.

I don’t like country, don’t like pop, summer music, any latin motives, don’t like overused dubstep samples, or any overused samples and twits, don’t like the EDM movement, classic rock, and Transformers-like or overly-epic soundtracks.


Wanna start the Celldweller topic so we can discuss it outside of here?

I don’t see why not.

My taste of music is an extreme variable. (my playlist on shuffle) “Pardon Me”-Incubus then “Revolver”-RATM then “Areodynamic”-Daft Punk

…and this is why I qualify as a “fence-hopper” according to idioms.

Least favorite is a genre I like to call “insincere love song played by douchy frat guy on acoustic guitar”


Look up the Axis of Awesome’s “How to Write a Love Song.”


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I don’t really hate any (except pop).
Here is my top:
1.Metal (mostly power,thrash, prog, death,so on)
2.Hard Rock
3.Rock and some subgenres of it

Pop isn’t making the list because is the worst musical abomination ever unleashed upon this world.And people say that metal is the music of Satan.Bah.


I despise that stuff.

Umm, Pop, by definition, is just anything that gets popular.

Which means, by your standards, Nirvana is utter garbage. Way to overgeneralize. Unless of course I’m missing something.


Or is it?

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Actually, Nirvana is indeed garbage.
Nirvana is one of the most overrated bands in the world.Some of their riffs were good,but they were very repetittive and sounded very similar,Kurt’s voice wasn’t that great,the lyrics were stupid and made no sense.Kurt is also very overrated as a guitarist.
Yup,i said it.Now let’s see what the depressed & angry Kurt fans have to say about my opinion. Also,the lyrics were thrash.They had no meaning,and Kurt was always high when he wrote them.Not all of them,but the majority of their well knows songs.Just because the words rhyme a bit doesn’t make them poetic,like refering to Courtney’s „thing” as a “heart shaped box”.Is that poetic? No.Or how about yelling about how your grandpa molested you when you were little for an entire song? Oh,and i’ll let you say if stuff like Rape Me is poetic or not.Sorry to burst your bubble,but that’s not poetic.Poetic is something like Welcome Home Sanitarium,where the words rhyme and flow perfectly and they actually have an interesting story and meaning. And Kurt’s death.Nirvana is an overrated band and the only reason of their fame today is Kurt’s death,otherwise,if he was alive and still making music,he would’ve faded away like the other grunge bands like Soundgarden or Pearl Jam.If Courtney killed him,there’s no problem for me.If she didn’t,he would’ve still died as a result of his heroin addiction.I’m actually happy that he died,because that way Dave Grohl did his own stuff that is freaking awesome,Foo Fighters,Them Crooked Vultures and QOSA.He could’ve never done it if he was still in Nirvana,and that would’ve been a shame because he’s an amazing musician,while Nirvana was such a generic,mediocre and awful band.
Also, no.Nirvana was grunge.


honestly i dont mind anything other than country. I HATE country

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I think Nirvana may not have been the best example of a good pop artist (I, too, dislike Nirvana). What about Frank Sinatra? (Ok, maybe that’s cheating.) How about The Beatles or The Beach Boys? Or do you just mean more recent pop (which I would agree is generally soul-sucking garbage)?

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I actually agree with a lot of things.
I never understood why people love Nirvana that much, even though, most of them know only one song, and I have no need to mention it even. It seems like people like Nirvana just because they’re said to like it - kind of a standard that people want to follow to stay hip and cool to each other, like, if you don’t like Nirvana, than you know nothing about anything.


I like listening to Nirvana because it’s fun and noisy, honestly. I don’t think too hard about the details of the songs.

edit: they’re not one of my favorites, I just like them, if you really want to dig into what I like you can see this and this


.>clicks on links

.>sees Yes, Genesis, King Crimson, Supertramp, Iron Maiden, etc.

You have awesome tastes in music, Invi!