Absolutely bohrok and rahi but don’t bohrok clone sets! I would be happy if they’ll have different body-builds depending on their type
Depends if it is a reboot or a continuation. If a continuation, I’d say the dark hunters and/or the barraki. The Dark Hunters could take up the mantel of the Brotherhood of Makuta and become the central villains in story and provide us with a good variety of sets. Also, we could get more official dark hunter contests. The barraki seem easy as they could just design some sets and call them their unmutated forms.
If it’s a reboot then anything is possible. I would like to see how they would revisit old sets with the new building system. Unless they make a bunch of new parts, I can’t see them remaking the bohrok, but I suppose other villains like the rahkshi are possible.
To- Master Nuva
Teridax: master of shadows
Nah m8, Ehlek. Ehek and his shredder clawz.
Of course, I could also go with Delta Matoro.
Takua/Takanuva or the Toa Mahri.
Would I get slapped if I said I wanted the Skrall back?
I’d like to finally see what happened to the Toa Mahri in SOME way… I mean, they left off with the group imprisoned by the golden skinned being and never brought it back up. Kinda disappointing… With that said though, I doubt we’ll never know since this line IS a reboot. It would just be nice to know.
Takua and Takanuva, no questions.
Hero Factory
A huge mass of DUPLO Sets.
“LEGO: Age of Ultrasize”
Quatro should come back!
Delta Matoro, Gamma Vakama, Beta Vahki etc.
I moved 2 posts to an existing topic: What else Should Make a Comeback After 2015
What character and/or team do you want from 2001-2010 Bionicle to return? I would personally love to see Takanuva return. I think it would also be cool to see a new version of the Inika.
Toa Mahri. Rahkshi, Bohrok-Kal, Visorak, Zaktan, (sans the other Piraka) Barraki, Krika and the other Makuta.
Of course, this is assuming that Bionicle gets extended beyond three years. With a more limited time range to work with, I’d like to see the Rahkshi, Toa Mahri, Barraki, and the Makuta. (Though they’d probably be some other race)
I’d also like to see more new stuff; that way Lego will have more to draw from when they start G3 and G4 some day.