I have been summoned from the void!
I think it may actually just be a forge, not specifically the great furnace.
If you take a look at this picture from the Legends of Metru Nui bonus features, you can see that the cauldron of molten protodermis is forming a very similar shape to the pattern of the symbol, and it is sending bubbles of gas into the air that could be what the small circles on the sides and above represent.
Moreover, the stacked cauldrons are reminiscent of the circle with three circles.
(Also, the matoran text on the side says “This is not…” and now I really want to know what the rest of it says)
HOWEVER. This doesn’t fit with the fact that the other disks represent the geography of their Metru, but I think it could represent a disk launcher, possibly even Vakama’s Disk Launcher, firing a disk.
Look at the Vahki logo.

Notice a similarity? I never realized it before, but I think the Vahki logo represents their disk launcher/mandible heads.
Also, look at Vakama’s launcher:

The double crescent could be a stylized version of this type of tool. Remember, even though Vakama never started using it until the events of 04, before that it was stored in the Great Temple with several other Toa Tools. It’s possible it was something that was mass-produced, and Vakama’s wasn’t the only one. Or it’s possible it was a weapon used by a past Toa.
Given the fact that the other five definitely represent the geography of their Metru, I doubt this one is the exception, but it is an interesting idea.
I think this definitely represents the geography of Ga-Metru in general, with bridges and circular platforms. Take a look at this image, again from LoMN. You can see multiple circular spots of land connected by bridges.
It’s possible it specifically represents the Great Temple, and the other circles are platforms on the bridge to it. Web of shadows both supports and counters this theory. On the one hand, we see the bridge to the Great Temple, straight to the temple with nothing in-between that we can see. However, it’s possible that this is some amount of artistic liberty – this same scene shows the Rahaga flying on their totally canon propellers.
Interestingly, this idea is actually supported in Web of Shadows:
You can see in this picture, the gate leading to the Great Temple has two other gates off to the sides. One has the symbol for Ta-Metru, which makes sense, since it’s the neighbouring district, and it lies directly to the south of the temple (right relative to this picture). There’s no bridge to Ta-Metru on the map, but then the map doesn’t show the bridge to the Great Temple itself either. The other has the symbol for Le-Metru, which is odd, but I think it means the pathway leads to a Chute Station, possibly one leading to Le-Metru, or just a Chute Station in general since they’re associated with Le-Metru. Whatever the case may be, the placement of these gates suggest that the places they lead to are in the same general location as the two bottom curves.
Well, that was fun. Time to dissapear into the void again.