What foods are in the Matoran Universe

Going back to the MNOG animations, I noticed that Matoro offered Takua food to replenish his energy which was a Vuata Maca Tree fruit which indicated that food exist in the matoran universe.

There was also mention of the Bula Berry in the Lego Bionicle: Quest for the Toa.

And in the Glatorian Saga, there was a mention of a dish called Thornax Stew.

If these kinds of food exist, what other foods exist in the Mattoran Universe?
Please provide a list down below.

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Madu Fruit isn’t just used for throwing right?


Alright, real talk.

“I noticed this one thing, please give me a detailed list of all instances of this thing” doesn’t really make for a good conversation topic. 90% of what you have asked in these topics can be answered by the most basic search on a Bionicle wiki like BioSector01, and asking other users to do what would be at the most a very minor inconvenience for you is a little rude.

In spite of that, however, I have done as you have requested.

Here you go.

I checked, and as far as I can tell Madu are just for throwing at people and wild animals like a civilized member of society. The unripe Madu Cabolo are also explosive for some reason, and smell awful when they explode, so I’m not sure it would be an edible fruit regardless of its ripeness.


If you are wondering why I am asking about a list of food, it is for an art project I am working which is based on Bionicle. that is why.

I also know that Protodermis plays a role in this too.

Then you’ll find BioSector01 to be a most helpful and time-saving resource.


This won’t stop some curious Le-Matoran


Well Matoran eat by absorbing the energy from food by touch. So would anything really stop them from being able to consume Madu? Unless it’s a cultural thing.


Presumably the smell would, although if the Matoran is a stinky rotten no good irredeemable garbage member of society Ahkmou they might not be bothered :thinking:


Imagine if Matoran could produce explosive burbs by absorbing Madu fruit.


Are you saying that Kapura just ate too much Madu Cabolo salad? :rofl:


It is the secret of his speed.


This probably doesn’t help, but here’s a snippet from “Whenua’s Tale” in the book “Tales of the Masks”:


It doesn’t say what they eat, but it is, as far as I can tell, the first moment in the story where a Toa eats something.