Now before anyone replies “Are you an idiot?”, let me explain.
So I watched MNOG with Meso 014 today with “time traveling Muaka” and Meso was joking that Muaka would kill Matoro 7 years too early, which I thought was just funny at first, but then I thought-
What if Muaka did kill Matoro?
So instead of wondering how you would be able to translate Nuju, let’s jump to 2006 with the Inika.
Who would have been the Inika of ice, Kopeke? Would there even be an Inika of ice?
I’m sure another Toa in the Chamber of Life would have sacrificed him/herself for the other Inika to continue, but lets talk about the Toa Mahri. Now here is where it gets interesting.
So without Matoro there to put on the mask and Mata Nui dying, it wouldn’t have turned out to be the Kingdom storyline.
In the Kingdom universe, Matoro was able to teleport the Toa Mahri and himself back to Metru Nui and change them back to air breathers again.
If Matoro wasn’t there, the Mahri would have died at the hands of the Barraki, or from Jaller’s Nova blast.
So what do you think would happen to the Matoran universe if Matoro did die at the jaws of “time traveling Muaka”?
Hunh. Interesting question. If there was no Matoro, who would sell Rahi in Ko-Metru D:
In all seriousness, any number of alterations could happen with Matoro’s absence. No would have saved Takua from the harsh Ko-Metru blizzard (just after Kopaka/Muaka fight), so Takanuva would be missing from this timeline also. Therefore, Metru Nui, with the six Toa Nuva on Voya Nui, would have been defenseless against the various Frostelus attacks that occured at that time, as well as the later siege on Metru Nui from the Brotherhood’s forces, potentially having Metru Nui and/or the Turaga destroyed. Or, the Toa Nuva may have lost the Battle of Karda Nui, preventing Teridax from awakening and conquering the universe. That is, assuming there was another Toa Inika/Mahri taking Matoro’s place. OR, without Matoro or Takua, the Rahi could have overpowered the other Matoran, possibly killing the Toa Mata in Mangaia. OR, without Matoro or Takua, there would never be a Chronicler’s Company in the first place, which would produce the same effect. There could be thousands of disastrous outcomes if you overthink it, like me.
Now, what if JALLER disappeared from the timeline?
I see Jaller leaving the timeline less a hazard than Matoro doing so. In all honesty i’m guessing his role in the story would be filled in by someone else, possibly Kapura, or another part of the guard. Guard still saves takua at kini-nui, Takua befriends Jaller’s replacement, Kapura/ta-matoran becomes an inika, etc etc.
Well you could approach this topic in two ways:
what LEGO would have done (to make money) and what would happen if bionicle was real.
The LEGO way: Kopeke would have replaced matoro, and would be the toa inika/marhi of ice then where the mask of life.
The If bionicle was real philosophical way: No matter what toa joined the toa inika/marhi the toa would have failed and the kingdom would play out in the same way. Except matoro wouldn’t go back and eventually the mata nui robot would start breaking in to pieces until life became impossible and just about everyone would die apart from maybe a few makuta who could find/create a new body for them self’s.
Thank you matoro you really saved the universe.
Well, if Takua never became Takanuva and he never warned the Toa Nuva about escaping from Karda Nui then they might’ve died as well. If the Toa Nuva died, Tahu never would have been able to kill all the rahkshi and stun Teridax.
If Teridax had never been stunned, Mata Nui would never have gained the upper hand and would have died.
So yeah… Takanuva is definitely a key part in the Bionicle story.
If Jaller dies (well Hahli would be sad for one) than Takua would never become the toa of light as he would have died by the Tuurahk, all the things Takanuva did would have become obsolete, the toa Nuva would have died in Karda Nui, the Inika would have never been formed, Mata Nui would have died before the Nuva even get to Karda Nui and then everyone would have died, actually the Nuva would have died by the Piiraka before that even happens, really removing any of the characters (except Berix) would have a disastrous effect on the time line
The Spherus Magna wave got plenty of attention, especially storywise. Gresh was the Furno of that era (or Furno is the Gresh, if you must). Gresh got what, one scholastic reading book that no one over the age of six noticed and part of one of the comics. Yeaaah…I think it’s safe to say he didn’t get anything. Heck, that one Skrall he fought got more attention than him.
Takua would have died in a blizzard, without him the Toa Mata/Nuva would have eventually died, be it by the Rahi, the Rahkshi, or the Piraka. With that Mata Nui would die as would everyone on the island. The only upside being that Makuta’s plan would fail. Everyone on Aqua Magna would die, likely being reanimated on the Red Star at which point they would have hurtled through space rather anticlimacticly for all eternity.