What is the best Bionicle set?

Maxilos and Spinax IMO


I would say that the Karzahni set is the best one. A little bit of scenery, 2 great matoran with some exclusive parts, and a well designed titan. Very Although the articulation isn’t the best, I think his design looks so great! The set is overall very versatile!

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It’s a mechanical trapping device that the matoran use to fight karzahni, but yeah, that set is pretty cool.

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I know, I always just thought of the trap as immobile - therefore scenery :wink:

I has a function though, so it kinda moves :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think we ever got any actual scenery pieces outside of the playsets…except for the G2 mask stands.


Don’t forget Pohatu’s Rock!

I’m kidding. But I do wish we had gotten at least some more substantial built mask stands in G1 and hopefully in G2!

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The '05 titans were probably my favorite, except for Sidorak’s flopping left arm.

I would say the manas or the toa hagah.

Okay I would say Maxilos is the best set ever when it comes to design. Otherwise, I would say the best bionicle sets ever would be a tie between the Bohrok and the toa masters from 2015: an exemplary mix of form and function, with basically unbeatable play value

Please don’t double post. -Eljay

Oh sorry about that, I don’t know what happened

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