What is the hierachy between brotherhood of makuta members? I have compailed a following hierachy. This is mostly based on story hints and seeming battle provess. Please discuss.
When Miserix lead Teridax was his second in command and his replacement after his take over.
He was over all leader of Karda nui mission and Greg has said he would have lead the brotherhood if Teridax was disposed. I assume he could beat other members in a fight bar Gorast and Icarax. I assume Icarax would have contested Antroz’s throne and fought for it.
-Icarax? I think Icarax is outside of the formal power structure and only beings who could give him even some kind of order or request have been Teridax and Antroz. And even then he has refused both of them once and only followed Antroz’s request because of his own ego. He definitely could order or coerce other members around if he wished to. bar Gorast and Antroz.
-Gorast/Krika. Despite not leading the mission in swamp fo secrets Gorast is definitely terrifying enough to be high up the hierachy inside the brotherhood. Krika is her equal and I do not see him being fearful of her. He was also chosen to be the leader of the Makuta trio of the swamp. Krika would lose a fight against her though and did.
-Vamprah. Silent Vamprah is not a leader sort of type but a powerful Makuta in his own right. He could be stronger in battle than Krika but I still decided to put him under him since he was not a leader of a group.
-Chirox/Mutran. Bitter friends turned rivals turned hated enemies are equally ranked and powerful. Mutran is tad more insane than Chirox but no more powerful than he is. Also Chirox could manipulate his Shadow hand and could therefore be quite efficient with his powers. But these nerds are not fighters so their influence in the brotherhood could be limited. Mutran did inform how to take down the great spirit.
-Bitil. Bitil is a Spiriah of sorts. ridicilous inferiority complex and willingess to prove he is on bar with the best of the makuta. Despite of his great mask he is not well respected inside the brotherhood.
-Tridax, He was chosen to be the Steward of Destral in absence of Teridax and was in charge of it during the war. He had very big plans and was skilfull enough to help invet shadow leeches and tridax pods. Greg has said Makuta not chosen for Karda nui were those he thought were not a threat so this indicates he was not on par with others. Hence why Bitil is higher.
-Kojol. Ah Makuta of Artakha. Mutran thought he was full of himself and proud of his secrets. I assume Chirox and many other Makuta shared this belief and did not respect him. He was instrumental in developing the virus to take down great spirit but I still think he was a lesser makuta in the end.
-Makuta of stelt… Who?
-Spiriah. Spiriah was a loser. He was part of the most powerful species in the universe but was still neglected by his own species and others. He is well remembered for his bad experiments. Reason for not revealing Miserix is alive is a mystery though. was he more afraid of Krika or thought it would benefit him somehow?
So all in all I think this is comprehensive list. many members who are on different tiers are still very close one another. I can’t say if Icarax, Gorast and Antros were dead who would lead the brotherhood in their place? Maybe Triglax or some other unknown makuta. Or Chirox/Mutran after killing the other.