What is the internal power structure of all the makuta?

What is the hierachy between brotherhood of makuta members? I have compailed a following hierachy. This is mostly based on story hints and seeming battle provess. Please discuss.


When Miserix lead Teridax was his second in command and his replacement after his take over.


He was over all leader of Karda nui mission and Greg has said he would have lead the brotherhood if Teridax was disposed. I assume he could beat other members in a fight bar Gorast and Icarax. I assume Icarax would have contested Antroz’s throne and fought for it.

-Icarax? I think Icarax is outside of the formal power structure and only beings who could give him even some kind of order or request have been Teridax and Antroz. And even then he has refused both of them once and only followed Antroz’s request because of his own ego. He definitely could order or coerce other members around if he wished to. bar Gorast and Antroz.

-Gorast/Krika. Despite not leading the mission in swamp fo secrets Gorast is definitely terrifying enough to be high up the hierachy inside the brotherhood. Krika is her equal and I do not see him being fearful of her. He was also chosen to be the leader of the Makuta trio of the swamp. Krika would lose a fight against her though and did.

-Vamprah. Silent Vamprah is not a leader sort of type but a powerful Makuta in his own right. He could be stronger in battle than Krika but I still decided to put him under him since he was not a leader of a group.

-Chirox/Mutran. Bitter friends turned rivals turned hated enemies are equally ranked and powerful. Mutran is tad more insane than Chirox but no more powerful than he is. Also Chirox could manipulate his Shadow hand and could therefore be quite efficient with his powers. But these nerds are not fighters so their influence in the brotherhood could be limited. Mutran did inform how to take down the great spirit.

-Bitil. Bitil is a Spiriah of sorts. ridicilous inferiority complex and willingess to prove he is on bar with the best of the makuta. Despite of his great mask he is not well respected inside the brotherhood.

-Tridax, He was chosen to be the Steward of Destral in absence of Teridax and was in charge of it during the war. He had very big plans and was skilfull enough to help invet shadow leeches and tridax pods. Greg has said Makuta not chosen for Karda nui were those he thought were not a threat so this indicates he was not on par with others. Hence why Bitil is higher.

-Kojol. Ah Makuta of Artakha. Mutran thought he was full of himself and proud of his secrets. I assume Chirox and many other Makuta shared this belief and did not respect him. He was instrumental in developing the virus to take down great spirit but I still think he was a lesser makuta in the end.

-Makuta of stelt… Who?

-Spiriah. Spiriah was a loser. He was part of the most powerful species in the universe but was still neglected by his own species and others. He is well remembered for his bad experiments. Reason for not revealing Miserix is alive is a mystery though. was he more afraid of Krika or thought it would benefit him somehow?

So all in all I think this is comprehensive list. many members who are on different tiers are still very close one another. I can’t say if Icarax, Gorast and Antros were dead who would lead the brotherhood in their place? Maybe Triglax or some other unknown makuta. Or Chirox/Mutran after killing the other.


It’s kind of hard to say given that there were so many Makuta unaccounted for. I mean, we knew which ones were the best in combat, but unless waaay more had died by the time of the Ignition trilogy than we know about, there were possibly dozens of other Makuta that we can’t really say anything about.

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There were originally 100 Makuta, so there’s 86 we know pretty much nothing about.

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Nice topic! Here is my contribution to the discussion:

Personally, I feel like Brotherhood of Makuta didn’t have any rigid formal hierarchy aside from the leader. From the moment of their creation they were likely equals at least on paper (or tablet since we’re in MU).
This would go nicely in parallel with another group of equals - the Great Beings who were scientist-kings, and Makuta were scientist-warriors.

Of course in reality the perfect equality did not really exist for the many reasons @Geetonguga mentioned already. The Makuta who were “higher ranked” gained their position out of respect for their accomplishments, prowess and competence.

Teridax disliked Icarax, yet he maintained a position of power because of his skills as a warrior and commander.

Antroz was an all round dependable and loyal Makuta.

Bitil was a held back prodigy eager to finally prove himself, however the first chance to do so was designed to dispose of him due to his potential.

Chirox and Mutran were both very skilled scientists.

Krika did not believe in the Plan and Teridax knew it, but he was very competent and useful, and did not dare outright defy him, for he was trapped in his position.

Gorast was a zealot.

Vamprah an expert hunter.

Spiriah - the black sheep of the Brotherhood.

Tridax - obviously competent and skilled, since he was put in charge of Destral at one point and designed the Tridax pod. The reason he was not put on the mission to Karda Nui is probably 1) his talents were needed elsewere, 2) Teridax did not see him as a big enough independent thread (maybe even counted on him to perish on his post - which he did).


I have of course spent some time thinking about this in relation to my Brotherhood Project.

In the broadests strokes I decided that there are a few set positions within the Brotherhood’s hierarchy, but otherwise the Makuta constantly compete by virtue of their achievements. If Mutran creates a particularly good Rahi, he moves up in the fluid internal hierarchy. If Spiriah spectacularly fails at something, he moves down. It’s all about personal prestige.

The Brotherhood has nevertheless a certain structure, of course. What I came up with was to split it into an administrative department, a military department, and a creation department.

Miserix, with Teridax as his right hand man, preside over all three (though are mostly involved in the administrative branch of things in day to day business). Makuta Vyrdran (from the Brotherhood Project) as Destral’s High Chamberlain would preside over the administrative department. Antroz seems like a good fit for the head of the military department. And the creation department would be split between Rahi creation and other things, with Kojol as the virus specialist being head of Rahi creation and Tridax as head of the other half - from what we know of Tridax, he seems to have been good at mechanical stuff (invention of the Tridax pods, assignment to Nynrah) and wasn’t necessarily too much into Rahi creation as far as we know.
With the deaths of the others, Tridax would then also take over other duties, which is why he was in charge of Destral at the end.

Why neither Mutran nor Chirox as heads of Rahi creation? Well, I figure they would not care about a job that effectively means they have less time for working on their own projects.


Word chamberlain made me think of Skeksil from Dark crystal age of resistance.

All of them them are like Makuta, once wise and beautiful but now corrupted by age, dark arts and power. Emperor SkekSo is the undisputed ruler of the Skeksis and all of them yearn for his favor. And like you said about makuta they do not have direct hierachy but they do rise in prestige if they do grand things, espcially for the Emperor. And physical strenght plays some part in it for the Emperor and the General openly mocked the Scientist for his lack of martial proves. And it does not take much for all the Skeksis to gather to mock, ridicule and eventually torture one of them own, especially if the emperor wants it.

They too have their licspitles, scientists, torturers, diplomats. They even have their own Icarax in a form of Skekmal the hunter. He lives outside the palace, is physically strongest of all the Skeksis and a rogue. He is respected and feared by all of them, save the Emperor himself.

I can totally see that the way Skeksis upheld themselves while visiting the courts of the Gelfing is excactly how Makuta were treated before becoming publicly evil. They were great lords and somewhat benevolent to their inferiors or at least were.

I always wondered how Antroz’ rank holds up compared to other lieutenants like Sidorak and Roodaka or generals like Brutaka. I don’t really get the gist of the Brotherhood hierarchy.

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This is a fair comment. It is stated that Chirox created them and Gorast was their first conqueror. Why would Makuta give the command of visorak to other species?

I think Makuta need other beings to lead their armies since they themselves are too few to do so?

Only 100 makuta were created to help a universe of millions. Their main job was to create Rahi and only handfull of them could be considered warriors cabable of leading armies.

I assume at at the beginnig makuta armies consisted of sentient beings. Visorak and exo toa were not invented yet and BS01 says makuta could not create rahksi easily before becoming gas like substance. So only way to have an army was to have lesser beings as soldiers. Similarly to League of six kingdoms.

These makuta armies were divided into subgroups who were lead by liutenants and generals. Brutaka could have been a leader of one of these subgroups. He might have lead an army consisting members of his own species? But in the end he answered to a makuta high general. it is unlikely a makuta would do a “grunt” work under another makuta. Cetainly even the lowest of makuta was higher than any of these servants.

Many beings served the brotherhood as spies, agents and servants doing jobs makuta could not or were too busy to do. Pridak was an aide to Icarax for example.

Eventually Makuta created enough exo toa, visorak and Rakshi to phase out these armies. But they did keep powerful beings on their payroll.

Sidorak and Roodaka were useful servants and potential puppet rulers for their respective regions so makuta delegated the day to day operations of visorak to them but most likely still told where to attack and when.

So in the end even beings such as makuta need other beings to do day to day work for their empires. Even as a great spirit Teridax needed local rulers to handle day to day things. (and mata nui before him needed LoSK and the makuta)