What is/was the black seas barracuda/galaxy explorer/yellow castle for the 90s, 00s and 2010s?

Hello all you fine members of this board!

As been repeated by adult fans of lego to ad naseum the biggest trio sometimes a quartet of LEGO are the sets yellow castle, galaxy explorer and black sea barracuda with Town plan sometime making the list not as often anymore though. However seeing the high nostalgia factor to these sets associated with the kids who grew up with them its not hard to see why they are loved and revered in this way by both the fans and the company.

This in turn made me curious in this assemble of legendary sets only 3-4 decades are represented but since the release of Black seas barracuda in 1989 three more decades worth of sets have been released. So what legendary sets from these last three decades do you think should be added to represent them to the list and why?

Following below is my list(feel free to agree or disagree):

For the 1990s I choose 5988 The temple of Anubis from 1998

I choose this set for its high roleplaying potential and it being the flagship set of the ever popular Adventurers theme and acting like the climactic end destination for Johnny thunder and his gangs eqypt adventure. Featuring villains, magic curses, treasures, vehicles and mysteries it makes a fun amd interesting set I can see many kids dreaming about owning back in the day.

For the 2000s I had a bit of a harder time deciding but I think the choice stands between 2006 with the exo force set 7709 Sentai Fortress or 2009s power miners set 8964 Titanium command rig


While I can’t choose one over the other I do think both qualify for the position as both sets feature impressive features with a lot of possibilities of play. However its a hard decision, I’ve seen more love for sentai fortress personally but both themes are undoubtedly fan favorites and both sets probably have their own set of fans.

Lastly for the 2010s I would love to have an obvious answer to which set would get this position but because of my lack of personal experience with alot of the 2010s I do not feel qualified to determine what is the set of that decade.


For the 2010s, I’d say the Fire Temple from Ninjago. That was the biggest set of the original Ninjago sets, and was totally impressive, featuring a massive dragon, a large temple, and multiple characters.


I’d have to agree, you not only got all four golden weapons in that set but samukai as well who only appeared in one other set.