What is Your Favorite, Non-Canon Mask Power?

So basically Bitil’s mask, but like, it makes sense. :stuck_out_tongue:


Alright a little selfish for me to put my own mask in but here goes.

The mask of prophecy/Kanohi saeleht.

Basically someone /nuhrii, (why make a mask of time if you don’t know what the future holds.) fused a mask of probability and a mask of clairvoyance together and removed the downsides but in turn created a very limited amount of foresight. About 36 seconds. Though this can be increased to seeing several hours maybe even years into the future but in turn the mask has to cool down for equal amount of time reducing its effectiveness to 12 seconds.


An idea: the Mask of Poison. Its power would allow the wearer to create a cloud of poison (to which wearer would be immune) that would fill the air around him. It would be very effective in close combat.

Another idea: the Mask of Possession. This mask would have the appearance of any other existing Kanohi, but would preserve the spirit/AI of the wearer upon their death. They could then possess any being that wears the mask afterwards.


I like this idea, though it seems like it would be more of a secret experimental mask made with special/unique methods, rather than a common widespread Kanohi.

Also, on an unrelated note, seeing my old post reminded me of another possible mask power:

Perhaps combing Toa Disks of Ice and Fire would give you, essentially, a Mask of Heat Flow; it would allow you to both absorb and release heat, just as Toa of Ice and Fire, respectively, can do separately, and it could perhaps also grant small amounts of Elemental control of both Elements (though you likely couldn’t actually create either one, just control them).

EDIT: Now that I think about it, Tahu has been shown absorbing heat before, so there’s already a bit of crossover between the separate Elements. I suppose I could just say that the Mask of Heat Flow gives increased control in both directions compared to either Element, and makes it easier.


I actually made it in my unreleased D&D mod, since I have a Makuta who I planned to have killed by Teridax, but his mask survives and allows him to possess Akhmou. Akhmou then leads an army against the players, using the powers granted him by the Makuta to attempt a takeover of Bara Magna.

mask of enthalpy

I’m sitting outside my chemistry class rn I couldn’t help myself


Yeah, I figure there could be a better name; I was thinking Thermodynamics myself, though that may be a bit long.

Of course, names don’t always have to be super specific (for example, the Calix being the “Mask of Fate”), so perhaps just “Mask of Heat” would work.