What is Your Favorite, Non-Canon Mask Power?

What kanohi power would you like to see in the Bionicle universe? Here I am asking for powers that are plausible, like strategy and plant growth, that we haven’t seen used in story. Please refrain from “overpowered” masks, we already know that the three most powerful ones in existence are of Life, Time, and Creation.




The mask of separation. Similar to the mask of intangibility, this mask gives the wearer the ability to separate material elements from any objects such as removing the iron in a toa or the darkness in a makuta


disintegration is too aggressive for a mask power in my taste (though so is the Mask of Mutation… so… ugh), but on the topic of rahkshi powers, I think density control would be great. One could lower their density, not to the level of a mask of intangibility, but enough to launch themselves high into the air in big jumps, and raise their density, allowing for extra-destructive punches and physicality. Plus, with low density, you could combo your powers nicely with something like telekenesis or magnetism: the telekenetic launches a low-density mask user extremely quickly at a mutual foe, and in the Moment before impact the mask user would become dense, using their weight and speed to become a wrecking ball.


The mask of farsight! This mask would allow the user to see things that are very far away


I see your point about disintegration, but I feel as though it could be one of the “immoral” masks that toa chose not to wear, similar to the kanohi Felnas, Mohtrek, and Crast.

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I all ways felt that this power would be good for the noble akaku
A power I would like to see would be precision it would allow you to make pin point movements


My favorite fanon mask power is switching the Kaukau from the “mask of water breathing” to the “mask of breathing.” Better Name PendingTM This would change the power to allowing the user to breath normally in any environment - high altitudes, toxic fumes, even in the void of space. It would change the mask from being so specialized it’s basically useless to having a nice niche utility role.

Plus the Kaukau is my favorite mask shape and I wish it wasn’t objectively one of the worst masks. :stuck_out_tongue:


Mine is the Kanohi Huanga, Created by Nickonplanetripple. The Power to become your element is really creative, I actually gave this mask to one of my Characters! Some fun uses are Toas of Air and/or Water using this power to slip through vents and cracks, or a Toa of Fire becoming a Literal Toa of Fire.


The difference between those (though I don’t love the mohtrek, admittedly) and the hypothetical mask of disintegration is that those have unique powers that can be used in a variety of ways; they are only immoral due to their usage by Brotherhood of Makuta members—I wouldn’t say they are inherently immoral, such as the Avsa or Mask of Shadows. The crast can be theoretically used in a number of interesting scenarios, as can the Felnas, which has a power basically dependant on the power of the opponent. Makes for interesting scenarios and unique fights; the mask of disintegration doesn’t do that, it’s just an instant killstroke. There aren’t very many ways to make it an interesting addition to a fight—but that’s just my personal taste of course, and I respect the position of those who might disagree.

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Perhaps the mask of disintegration wouldn’t be able to disintegrate living things (or anything attached to them, like armor, or masks). I think it could still be useful. For example, it could be used to destroy walls, or incoming projectiles.


I actually had a similar idea for a mask although under the guise of a mask of shattering. To limit its destructive capabilities, I gave it a delay function, like the mask of emulation, where the user has to focus on the target unobstructed for a small amount of time, which would be dependent on the size and material of said target. Although, it would still be cool if it allowed for the user to launch bolts of destructive energy.


the kanohi poofafoofis. It lets you poof away to somewhere where your enemy cant see you.

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Here’s another idea: The mask of cloning. This mask would allow the user to create several clones of themself. For every clone that is made, they get weaker (For example, if someone made one clone, they would both be 1/2 as strong)

I could see this mask being very useful in several different scenarios.

EDIT 1: Here’s an idea: The mask of navigation. Basically, this mask would work like an internal compass. Users of this mask would be able to see their exact location in the world. They always know which direction a place is, as long as they themselves have been in there before.


Ooo, yeah, Red Star Gaming actually came up with a name and shape for something like this: the Kanohi Mohtri, Mask of Duplication. It’s a cool power, and a common enough one I’m surprised we didn’t see it in canon.


I’m kind of partial to a Mask of Duplication myself, but not in this same sense. It is actually the source for my username- the Kanohi Cantri, mask of duplication. Although, instead of cloning themselves (which a mask of cloning would be a much better name for it, in my opinion) this mask allows its user to make a copy of any object they see, given some source of materials provided. I do have a picture of it, but I lost it when moving. While I could redraw it, I’m keeping my profile picture blank for now as I want to respect my original fan-mask, as it was the first one that I created way back when Bionicle was still in its original run.


Isn’t that just the scope on an Akaku?




You could argue that this could be achieved with a Calix.


Alright, that’s enough of shutting down everyone else’s ideas, let me provide one of my own for you to shut down.

A few weeks ago, I was thinking about all the different combinations on Kanoka, when I realized that Toa Disks could also be included.

As shown with the canon combinations, a mask does not simply possess all of the individual powers of the Kanoka, instead being a single new power. So combining a Toa Disk with a Kanoka would create an new elemental power. Of course, for this to be useful, it would have to be a power that the Toa Disk alone would not give you, or else the combination is pointless.

For example, Stone + Reconstitutes at Random could give you a mask which allows you to turn any objects into stone. Which, I might add, is an ability that not even Toa of Stone possess.

Or Water + Removes Poison could be unlimited water breathing.

Water + Ice gives increased elemental control over both.

Psionics + Reconstitutes at Random creates a mind-erasure Kanohi.

Toa Disk + Shrink + Regeneration gives the wearer the ability to perform Nuva-style timed attacks of the element in the mask.

Gravity + Regeneration gives Density Control.

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I suppose so. The mask of farsight would probably allow the user to see further than the scope, though.

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I’d probably have to say the Kanohi Fanodu: Mask of Deposition (now available on Shapeways.com);— Allows user to walk on air:

My second favorite would probably be the Kanohi Houhara: Mask of Ensnaring (Basically, it would be the Bionicle equivalent of web-shooters):


The Fanadu kind of looks like a noble version of the kaukau, in my opinion.

Also, I don’t really get why it’s called the mask of “deposition.”