What is YOUR Mask Power and What do you think is the BEST or WORST Mask Powers to have?

Not necessariy.

From BS01:

Destruction of the mask would result in the time stream unraveling within the Matoran Universe.

In other words, time would still exist, but would be horribly distorted and messed up. :stuck_out_tongue:

Same thing, if the past, present, and future all happen at the same time, that means time no longer exists.


The Zatth has the worst power IMO. All it does is summon Rahi to your location, and you can’t even control them. So you’re basically summoning your own potential demise.

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or you could summon a cute little rahi… Called gadunka.

Yep, your right.

The Mask of Scavenging is kinda…eh.

The Mask of Scavenging allows its user to mentally extend themselves and drain the residual life energy from the bodies of any beings in close proximity to them that have just died

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That sounds more like the mask of “man I hope I am lucky”

it also requires you to kill everyone.


he’d just die. it’s explained quite clearly. if one of his duplicates dies, so does he.

Yeah, but really,

Because his past self is dying, in the future, and the future Bitil could not exist, because the past Bitil is dead, and it’s a dumb mask.

Lolol? Really? I can’t- REALLY??

I am laughing so hard now. :laughing:

Kadin is the Mask of Flight right?

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walk softly and carry a big disk launcher.

[quote=“Rockho, post:35, topic:11153”]
The Matoran shown wearing a Mask of Undeath is not actually undead; instead, the mask has black glass-like eyepieces to mimic the appearance of undeath as Matoran cannot use Kanohi powers.
[/quote]so the matoran is wearing shades?

All right makuta, take this!


oh hey a kanohi drag-AHHHHHHH



But it would only affect inside of Great Spirit robot?

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Wouldn’t that be exactly what would be summoned in Metru Nui? Cause isn’t that thing still frozen in the archives?

There already is a “Best and Worst Masks” topic, not sure if that will be a problem :confused: HugeDomains.com
I don’t know the worst, but a Mask of Accuracy doesn’t seem that great.


btmomegar is right.

Good topic, though. Let’s just move discussion there.