As The title states, what is the most rarest Bionicle Set you own? It doesn’t have to be new or used, or that you don’t own it anymore, just the most rarest you have had, or still do. Mine is my sealed 8536 Toa Mata Kopaka from 2001.
Also, I’m not sure if this was unique to my own or was a factory error, but my Kopaka says: LEGO Produktion instead of Production. I still find it it neat. anyways, who else has some rare Bionicle sets?
I had a ton of rare ones, like the Ultimate dume box set, Kardas Dragon box set, Irrnak, Umbra, Lessovik and Karzhanni, Cahdok and gahdok, Exo toa, and more. If we are talking about age, I had most of the sets from 2001-2002, all of the sets from 2003-2007, most from 2008, and not many from 2009. Obviously as I got older I couldn’t afford to buy them anymore,so my collection went down, but for a while, before I lost most of them, I had shelves upon shelves loaded.
As for how I afforded them as a kid, I had a job delivering magazines, and would hoard money away until the new ones came out, then buy them all in one fell swoop.