There’s a topic for your first set ever but how about your favorite.
If it makes it any easier think of what set you would want if you could only have one.
There’s a topic for your first set ever but how about your favorite.
If it makes it any easier think of what set you would want if you could only have one.
8811 - Toa Lhikan & Kikanalo
mask maker vs skull grinder. in the set you get 3 masks, two great characters, a great variety of parts and nostalgia
Oof, tough call. Toa Vakama would check off nostalgia, gear functions, articulation, and kanoka which I love. But Roodaka and Maxilos give that titan build that I enjoy so much.
By the end of it, I’d want a Lehvak. Asymmetrical claws and all. I love Bohrok, and green is my favorite color, plus that was my first and only Bohrok for a long time when I was a kid. So I’ll settle on Lehvak.
Agreed on Lehvak, he’s my favourite too. While he may not have been my first Bionicle set he’s the first I actually liked and what convinced me to collect them to begin with
Also Bohrok are amazing and he’s got the best colour scheme of the six
Agreed and agreed. The Swarm is the best faction/group in Bionicle and he’s so vibrant
Takua and Pewku. I just love Pewku’s walking function.
I’d say Hahli Inika. Dark blue and white go really well together, the marbled parts are magnificent, the mask looks cool. I also like that her tool thingy looks good as a harpoon, but is also believeable as some kind of sword - and the light feature is awesome.
Lewa Nuva. Katanas, mask with teeth, cool armor. ■■■■ nostalgia, he was my first
agreed, cool gold Toa build with sweet weapons and awesome movie creature.
Probably Fenrakk. We had Rahi that has been one of the biggest sets and we got a rider in form of Vezon. Limb articulation wasn’t maybe the best but still it’s one of my favourite sets
Based on what I actually own and not what I want to own…Toa Mahri Hahli.
I just love her wings and blue and lime armor parts and I love how she really got to shine in 2007.
My favorite set I owned as a kid (that I no longer own) was either Vezon & Fenrakk, Roodaka or Keetongu. Probably Roodaka was my absolute favorite.
I’d pick Hydraxon or Gorast for G1 sets. If we’re only talking G2 sets, I’ve always wanted Kulta and Ekimu, but Umarak the Destroyer is probably my favorite one I own.
(off topic: I just checked Bricklink prices and oof I’m glad I got Umarak the Destroyer when he came out)