This thread is for people who just started collecting vintage Bionicle sets again. But, for those who just started collecting again…what sets do you have eye on next?
I’ll the name the ones I’m thinking about getting:
Toa Nuva Lewa
Toa Nuva Gali
Makuta Teridax
Toa Metru Vakama
Toa Metru Nokama
Toa Metru Nuju
Toa Metru Whenua
Toa Inika Kongu
Toa Mahri Matoro
I’m only picking one or two sets out of these because they are expensive to buy new and in excellent condition, but these are the sets I have my eyes on.
I’m eyeing on Inika Hewkii, Matoro and Jaller plus the correct head and Suletu for Kongu, since that would make the complete Inika team (they’re my favorites).
Other than that, 08 Takanuva looks sweet and any of the battle vehicles would be nice, especially the Rockoh and Thornatus. Antroz has caught my interest as well.
I’d love any of the 2005 knights. Their armor is cool and I overall think they look the best out of all Knights Kingdom figures.
Also why was your post reported? I don’t see anything wrong with it
I’ve got my eye on a second copy of Xplode from HF and a Thunder set. Need to pad out the ranks in my HF villain department.
For Bionicle, I want to find Spinax (have Maxilos, just no Spinax at the moment). In terms of actual sets, though, finding Toa Undersea Attack is a priority, followed by the Toa Hordika.