What six mask powers would you have in a Golden Kanohi?

Cant argue with that.

I woud go with:
-If I am a toa of air: Miru, Kualsi, Calix, Huna, Mahiki, Sanok
-If I am not one: Mask of air, Miru, Kualsi, Huna, Mahiki, Sanok
Elemental powers of air and a miru will give me complete mid air control, and the rest of em are just cool.

Or a lil bit cheekier: A golden kanohi with 6 golden kanohi featuring these and a bunch that I like that didnt fit. How did noone think of that yet? Its totally workable.

Edit: 8 months later? Thats a necropost if I ever saw one.

Kualsi, Kakama, Kadin, Calix, Volitak, Vahi

i could go so fast

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Hey, maybe:
-Kanohi Aki.
-Kanohi Vahi
-Mask of Creation
-Kanohi Avohkii
-Kanohi Kualsi
-Kanohi Kiril

… after all, that would be 2op5meh.


That’s too much powar!


Psychometry is too cool a prospect to pass up, especially when I can pick another five to go along with it. Huna, Miru (or Kadin) and Kakama would all be pretty fun to play with.

That leaves 2.
Let’s go with the Garai for even better flight control and a Jutlin, just 'cuz.

Well. That was easier than I thought it’d be. Now for the shape…


Default shape would be my first pick, which is whatever the Mask of Psychometry looks like. That’s a chicken answer tho.

Let’s go with Berix’s helmet, with a blackout visor, in gunmetal gray.

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Akaku - X-Ray Vision
Kaukau - Water Breathing
Huna - Concealment
Garai - Gravity
Avsa - Hunger
Kualsi - Quick Travel

And it would be shaped like a Kualsi.

Woo, necroposting!

Pekhui- Diminishment
Kadin- Flight
Kualsi- Quick Travel
Pakari- Strength
Kakama- Speed
Hau- Shielding

It’d be shaped like a Kiril, though.

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My Golden Mask would look like a Pakari and have the following powers:

-Water Breathing

i feel that the kanohi volitak would be a better choice then the huna. the huna will only make you invisible. the volitak makes you completely silent as well as make you pretty transparent. while the three same masks can see through both and you still cast a shadow with both, the kanohi volitak is a better choice to the kanohi huna

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My golden mask would look like a Hau (But I can’t decide between Lhikan style or Tahu/Jala style) and have the regular Shielding power, Fire power, X-ray vision (like an Akaku), Telekinesis, Speed Boost (I would run like a maniac beacause I’m fast IRL),
and finally, Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance wuld be very useful.

-Water Breathing


Ahvoki, Kraakhan, Ignika, Olmek, Vahi, and Bitil’s mask as I don’t recall its name(gonna get some Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap with that power).