Now, the name of this topic sounds like a quiz if some kind, but it’s not. This is just asking you guys if you were a Toa, what element, Kanohi, and Toa tools you would have. The element is not restricted by gender, and the Kanohi is not restricted by morality (meaning masks like the Shelek, Jutlin, and Crast are available) I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Hmm, Psionics would be pretty fun, I haven’t checked up on the powers last, but i’m pretty sure it has like mind reading, and some telekinesis powers.
As for toa tool, I would probably go with some sort of blade, but in addition a projectile weapon, such as a bow, which could be silent.
Mask is a tough one. the mahiki would be a great one to have, as you could ■■■■■■■■■■, and confuse enemies.
Honestly my toa is sounding pretty cool
I’d be of the Ice element and I’d have a Kanohi Kakama with a random anything good from ko-koro Toa Tool.
Fire, Orange Armor, Orange Pakari, with Jaller Mahri’s Flame sword and a shield.
I would have 2 elements, fire and water, and a Kanohi Faxon(A GUY, though I completely agree, all types should have both genders) This is pretty much my self-moc though.
@Starparu I have that fire sword in my self-moc.
Edited for double post- Star
My self MOC is a Fire elemental, but if I had to be a Toa, I think I relate to Earth Toa like Pohatu. Kanohi would be the Arthron, and I’m thinking that my Toa Tool would be a multipurpose omniwrench sorta thing.
While my self MOC is of the shadows, I believe I myself would be of the Earth.
My kanohi mask of choice would be Kualsi, Mask of Quick Travel(Teleportation, basically.) And my tool would be a Lance of some sort.
Yea, earth buddies!
To clarify, when I say Earth, I do mean Black, and Dwelling underground.
Sorry Stone, but your desert heat and inconsistent color scheme keep you from being cooler to me. 8D
xD fine then, I’ll go kick some boulders around by myself
Fire, Longsword + Shield, Mata Red + Metru Red, Kakama.
I feel I’d be a Toa of Fire with bird inspired armor. I’d wear a Calix ( Shaped like a falcon’a head, for some reason) and use some sort of flame staff… Which is essentially a description of my self-moc. Oh, I also have a cape.
Probably Fire, with a Mask of Emulation, and a whirling umbrella-frame-like mass of blades that’ll make you so dizzy, you’ll fall down on the ground and just make yourself easier to kill.
I know Toa don’t kill, but I was thinking of a ‘‘Luke Cage: Hero For Hire’’ sort of guy with no qualms about eviscerating his targets.
Man, such fire. Such huge, fiery, flamey fire.
I would be a Toa of Psionics, blue with the occasional gold/yellow, a blue Pakari, with a gun/launcher type weapon that shoots MIND BOOLITS and a longsword/staff.
If I’m in the Matoran Universe, a Toa of Magnetism with the Mask of Biomechanics. If I’m on Spherus Magna, a Toa of Psionics with the Mask of Possibilities. In either incarnation, I would mostly spend time just improving my elemental prowess, because I believe that either of those elemental abilities would be more useful in combat than a weapon would. But my Toa Tool would always be a scepter, and my Kanohi would always be shaped like a Calix.
i think i would be a toa of shadow. i’d use the kanohi crast or rua. as weapon i would have a scythe with a chain attached to it and maybe a midak skyblaster.
I would actually like to be Dekar with the the mask of Kualsi(power to teleport) with Toa Mahri Hewkii’s electfrified chains for a weapon.
Toa of Light with a Light Sword and a Glowing Shield.
If I were feeling evil, Toa of Shadow with the Mask of Elemental Energy and two swords (if that counts). If not, a Toa of Gravity with a Mask of Adaptation, a spear, and a Midak Skyblaster.