What type of game would you want from either Ninjago, Legend of Chima or Nexo Knights?

This topic is for people who want to discuss on what form of gameplay they would want from a LEGO theme based on for example Ninjago, Legend of Chima or Nexo Knights.

personaly i would like the following Gameplay for the following themes:

Ninjago - Action-adventure: ok Ninjago already have a game like that and the main LEGO games are like that from the start, but i would like it more as a basic form of Action-adventure, with limited lives and no building or brick based gameplay.

Legend of Chima - Strategy: this is a gameplay that i think many would agree to be the best for Chima. I made it its own topic, because i have some images of some of the structures that i came up for this idea and some consept on how it would work.


Nexo Knights - RPG: I mean come on, its the most fitting think for this theme in my own opinion, and i don’t just mean that the players get to play as one of the main Nexo Knights, but more as a new character that could get new armor, weapons and shields to combat Jestro and the monsters, and heck, they could easly have the ending be that the new knight was forced to leave the nexo knights to go and protect some other kingdom and thats why that knight does not show up in future episodes of the series. I mean it would make sence, and thus allow the story of the game to not clash with the main story of the cartoon.

so those where my ideas, what are your ideas.

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I’m a sucker for proper RPGs. I’d love a nice game where you get to make choices and have those choices matter at least until the game reaches the conclusion. I don’t really care that the ending would have to make my playthrough irrelevant to the actual story but to be able to make choices that matter for my playthrough at very least would be awesome.

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I have desited to make two more topics for this, one for Ninjago and one for Nexo Knight.

The reason is because i have a large number of Ideas i want to share with you all, and thus making three separate topics to expand and give more info about my ideas, and let me tell you all, the more i think off these games, the more ideas and consepts i have for them.

I hope you all give me your opinion on these ideas when i have made the topics.

also if its possible, could on of the mods link this topic with the other topics once they are made, the reason i ask is because i can’t edit this topic anymore.

Well um you could try editing out the sections of your post that belong in other topics and once that’s done I can edit this topic’s title.

no you see, i can’t edit this topic nor the Legend of Chima strategy game topic.

you know how some topics that you have made in the past now can’t be edited by yourself?

thats what happend here, the editing button do not appeare on my topic for me, so i can’t edit it.

So ask a mod.