What was the main Idea for your SelfMOC?

I do know


I also have different ideas about stuffs!


that is fine…and no one is reading my comments…

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Wait… who are you? /s

leaves a hole in your head

Im the guy that just killed you…,

Anyway, the idea behind my Self-MOC was to merge my two identities: ToaNuju120 from the Boards, and Political_Slime from Minecraft. Eventually I dropped ToaNuju, but still kept some of the characteristics.


I like burnt orange
I like kakamas
I only had a kakama in burnt orange
Payinku was born.

honestly, there really isn’t an idea,
I made a moc, and loved it so much I made it my self-moc.

then killed him to make my G2 self-moc, which gave me reason to revamp him.


That always works.



basically what slime Slababa said

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Man, I remember OG Political Slime Terribad self moc

I remember ko metru


I remember that creepy avatar you had with the nuju mask on the really buff person.

Imo slime, you have one of the most original mocs on this boards.


What on earth is that unholy amalgamation of gunshots and wailing human male noises?!?


crypta was inspired by my liking of mercenary characters, the color black and a mask from a 2007 makuta matoran mask. the very first form had skeletal wings, which wouldnt stay up, so i tok them off her. then she had a dress/cloak i made from an old ■■■■■ i cut up. i didnt like it anymore so i scrapped that and traded her large sword for a sniper rifle. after that, in order to give her a slimmer look, waist articulation, and make her a bit more spacey, i took her apart and rebuilt a more sleek and dynamic figure. i brought back the wings by giving her a jetpack that folds up and hs a handle so she can carry it like a brief case


Cool! can you give me a link to her?

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img src=“/uploads/db5640/19788/1ccbc58301428ca4.jpg” width=“375” height=“500”>

Your link is broken…


just edited the code for her


K thanks!

I suppose I should take this chance to mention what the idea for Entropy is…
So…this guy. Also known as Generic McGeneric.

That’s entirely intentional, despite his name. I won’t go into depth on the original concept, but this character is intended to be, for lack of a better description, a blank slate, an unpainted canvas. I can do whatever I want with him. He also has several modes he can go into, which is explained through his ability to absorb or copy certain abilities, such as mimicking a tesla, absorbing a hit from a flame thrower to gain the ability to…combust…and most powerful is his Seeker mode, which gives him a massive weapon pack, consisting of rocket launchers, rocket pads, energy cannons, and laser sights for all of them.

He also has a few tools, such as his Zero Blade and his Plexiblades.

Oh and he has a “pet” named RAID. More info on that in…no idea how long. Could be a month, could be a year, could be never.


I want this guy to transform into a jet now…



"Thundercracker! you putrid traitor!


thanks for that


back view

Edited for double post by Scarilian

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