What would you change in the old BIONICLE?

Write down what you would like to change the old BIONICLE in ewery way. For example what sets should be issued or what movies should be done or what comics and books should be written and most importantly what would you change?


An actual ending. I hate permanent cliffhangers.


keep love canon :3

also have a movie for 06-08 (or maybe scrap the movie idea and just have a full fledged CGI animated show)

Make TLR more interesting and less childish


I would make a Mistika/Phantoka movie that takes place before The Legend Reborn.

I would also implement CCBS into old Bionicle so that the parts dont break.

Edited for Double Post.


I would get rid of the GSB, make genders not be reliant on element, and end the serials.


Takanuva to be really important in the end battle like what Greg was gunna do originally. It would have be a way better ending.

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This topic already exists here:

ups I have not noticed :confused:

I would change Makuta’s motivation.

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Makuta had a great motivation. He simply thought he could do a better job at ruling the universe than Mata Nui. He wasn’t hungry for power or angry specifically at the heroes.

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Continuity through out the whole story.

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Movies with CGI closer to these things and others like them (I don’t care how expensive those movies would be) that would appeal to the older fanbase. Perhaps they would go alongside the existing movies.

Even though I’m not sure how, try harder to separate them from human ideas of existence (sleeping, eating, etc) because they’re not humans. My biggest idea in this area is either completely excluding gender or making it so small that you hardly notice it (yes, that includes making the elements span the genders). It just doesn’t make any sense to me to have genders in a largely robotic species where we have very little idea on how reproduction works.

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I would’ve made a Movie of the Bohrok era


Add more dimensions to the characters, make Makuta a more interesting villain, change the whole 2005 story line (especially the part where Vakama betrays the toa).

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I would’ve made it so they went on sale more often than Steam so I could’ve afforded more than 1 or 2 a wave


To make tahu not sound mad all the time :confused:


please no

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<post must be at least five characters

I would make bingzak a g1 character.


he could hang out with Tribomba :laughing:

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