What would you do for G3?

Regarding sets, I know a great artist in DA who made a new building system inspired by the ignika. They’re perfect the way they are but personally I would add more play features on the build than reserving it for the masks.


We can connect G2 and G1 by applying this theory similarly.
G2’s Toa came from another star.
What if they moved from the world of G1 to the world of G2?

Outside of the story
if G3 comes out, well. it’s okey, G3 use CCBS,
but I was always dissatisfied because CCBS’ armor and shell parts were too plate armour-like. Because I thought that the more exo skeleton-like appearance was the charm of Bionicle.
As you know, we think the design of the unit is underestimated, but the chest armor still bothers me.(I think they could have been much closer to G1 if they had used Inika’s chest armor)
And G2 set was too big (Master Tahu is much bigger than Mistika Tahu, ).
If they were smaller, would they have been cheaper enough?

mixel joints


I rediscovered the lore I wrote for these. Turns out the four generals are actually a sorcerer and his three apprentices, who were attempting to cast a spell to summon Makuta. During HY1, the Toa fight the apprentices and the hordes of mind-controlled Rahi as they search for their Kanohi and go to the sorcerer Refeke’s fortress. Refeke’s spell is interrupted by the Toa, and so Makuta’s essence is fragmented across Mata Nui into six Shadow Toa. At the same time, the Bohrok are summoned, so, in HY2, the Toa have to deal with both threats - save the villages from the Bohrok, and stop the Shadow Toa from reuniting into Makuta. This is as far as I got.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I would recommend not assuming as a given that any of this is ACTUALLY related to bionicle in any way shape or form. Also I think there is specifically a topic here for talking about Fabers random stuff lol


If there is G3 I want it to be continuation of G1, G2 is bad

i mean whatever it is if it is it likely will not be a continuation of g2

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Hot take: if there were to be a G3, it should not continue G1. That’s over. There is very little story potential left.


theres 100,000 years of story tho

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So it should be pre- and mid-quels set in the GSR? I think that’d be very difficult for new fans to get into.


not necessarily if they are self contained and focus on new characters and locations not old ones. as long as the sets story and new location is good it can draw unfamiliar people in the same way g1 did

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…at which point, there’s no reason to set it in G1’s world. If it’s gonna need a new setting and characters, treat it like a new generation outright instead of G1.5.


i’d probably do bionicle g3 as a system theme. and i’d probably do something similar to what bionicle g1 did in 2007 through 2009 and have each year focus on a specific elemental environment. (for examples of what i mean: mahri nui - water, karda nui - air and bara magna - stone/sand)

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I’ve been putting some more thought into this (perhaps TOO much thought). In the interest of changing the motif to attract new audiences, I think I would rework the six main elements, letting them reflect a combination of Western and Eastern alchemy: Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Woods, and Metal. Earth would have some power over stone and sand, Water would have some power over ice, and Metal would have some power over magnetism. Fire would be red and orange, Earth would be black and brown, Water would be blue and light green, Air would be green and light blue (like the sky), Woods would be brown and green, and Metal would be gunmetal and dark gray.
I think the antagonist would be a corrupted Toa of Shadow who somehow gained enough raw energy to overpower the other six Toa by himself. The Toa of Shadow fears that when the humans are awakened, the Toa and Matoran will have served their purpose, and the humans will dispense with them.


Ooh I love this!

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how can you come up with something so much better than everything else in this whole topic


If I may, I think there is precedent for Toa of Light and Shadow in your story. I had an idea for a Toa team based on the Japanese days of the week - these are Moon-day, Fire-day, Water-day, Wood-day, Metal-day, Ground-day, and Sun-day. Moon and Sun can respectively be analogous to Shadow and Light.


Looking back at my last post here, I realize that I haven’t really contributed much to the conversation here, so I’ll make up for that.

My ideal G3 would look something like this:

It would be a hard reboot, as I mentioned above, but would still draw from both previous gens.
I’d make the Toa Metru the main characters, the plot focus would be on them, but of course over time other important characters would appear in supporting roles.
The plot would be similar in many ways to G1, but would feel more like a reimagining of it.
It would be very much inspired by this hypothetical G3, with the flash-back years aesthetic of G1.
(Futuristic metropolises, divided society, secret power struggles in the background, etc.)

The sets, aesthetically, would be a mix of constraction and traditional system building bricks.
In the way that they would be smaller (about the same height as Toa Mata/Nuva.) but built entirely of bricks, and would use the familiar mixel ball-joints, with some new dimensions.

That’s pretty much what I would like to see for a G3.


all right, i’ve revised my original terrible idea a wee bit.
so makuta, karzanhi and teridax are the same thing. allow me to explain:

  1. Teridax- form makuta uses to wage war and fight battles against his foes, an enormous armoured beast, similar to set form.

  2. Karzanhi- form makuta uses to rule over his dark realm. a broken old man with a patchwork mask, similar to both G2 form and G1 Karzanhi (being).

  3. Makuta- form he uses to tempt matoran into joining his brotherhood, and to generally act mysterious and evil, a shadowy cloak thing kinda like his '01 void form.