What Year did You Become a Fan?

I started in 2002 (I think) with the OG Pohatu being my first set. Since I was like 5, I didn’t know much about the story. I think it was around 2006 that I really got into the story.

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I started in 2001 with my first set being Toa Tahu.



Late 2003, seeing an advert for the Mask if Light movie. I then got 2004 sets next year :).


The year became a fan was back in 2006, before then I really only got one set each year but in 2006 was when I really got into the story and started collecting the sets.

I really became a fan in 2009, although I started collecting sets in 2008

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I first became a fan in 2002, when I got my first sets.


I was 04 really. I always want to say that I was 01 as well but that never happens. ~Pyrox

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2004 for me. I thiiiiiiiiink Toa Metru Nokama was my first? Or was it Nuju… Maybe Onewa? Could of been Matau. Hmmm maybe it was Vakama. Oh but it could of been Whenua…


You got all six at the same time, didn’t you…

No the thing is I remember HAVING all of them, eventually. But I can’t remember which I got first! I ain’t mister moneybags over here!


I would actually be very surprised if anyone was Mr. Moneybags. That seems like a really unlikely last name


Well, hey, there’s Mr. Monopoly :wink:


I’m technically a year one-er. My first bionicle Set was Kopaka, but really I’m so hardcore I was a fan before Bionicle when Throwbots/slizers and Roboriders came first. I had most of those sets. I was the target age for bionicle and those earlier sets so I ate em right up and just continued to be a fan through my teens into adulthood.

I was a fan from the first year I remember Christmas of 01 rocked cause I got the Tarakava and Mana crabs as gifts. I opened up that big Mana grab box and jumped up in excitement. I was so into it I didn’t even finish unwrapping my other presents and I had a bunch left to. I was really into bionicle first year, but still got other lego sets as well. By 2004 though I was full tilt bionicle. That’s all I’d get with my allowance, all I asked for for Christmas and Birthdays, from 04-06 it was all bionicle for me.


About 2002-2003. I remember I really got into Bionicle as Mask of Light came out.

2003 for me. My first set was rakshi Turakh. And then I ended up collecting all the rakshi.

I got in to the sets in 2002. It wasn’t until 2007 I started really getting in to the story. It took me about 2 years until I actually was able to figure out how all the pieces fit together. That was sadly around the time Bio only had a little over a year left in it. But atleast I got a while of the Bio story while it was still around.

2006. Nuff said.


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Almost got my first set in 05, but destiny ensued and hewkii inika was my first, “This set is awesome! I wanna get more from this line! ;D” I said. Two years later destiny ensued once again and I got the first three issues of the comics(here at finland they put three issues into one) from a flea market and an immediate feel of duty to know more was born. Then lewa phantoka happened, and tanma and vamprah and dekar and thulox etc. and unity was being made…fast forward to 2012 when ttv put their first video on youtubes: the 2012 toyfair video and KABOOM! Bionicle fandom opens its doors. Two years pass while I lurk in the shadows of the internet untill…I break free and decide its time to stop lurking. Its been a fun road and I’ll be having a lot more fun on this road for future years/decades/millenia…


I got into bionicle through my brother, whose two years older than me, I was around 3 I think and my brother had gotten Tahu Mata. I remember I was super jealous and wanted to play with them all the time, later on when The Mask of Light came out my dad got the movie and let us choose if we wanted either Takanuva or Makuta, we got Makuta, though I wanted it to be the other way around. I’d say I really became a full on fan who was into the story and constantly searching for news about it in 2004/05

I started in 01. Even though I was too young to read and couldn’t understand the story, I still had the sets and thought it was the best thing in the world. I loved to look at the pictures in the comics too. It took me a while to figure out that the Nuva weren’t replacement characters for the deceased Mata.