What's going on in your life?

I’m pondering doing things in the future.
Like making this outfit, in real life.


Living my dream ;_;


Somebody from my training course, went into a monstrous raged, until he’s mother pick him up. I other hand was both tired and frustrated also went to a play, last night.

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I’ve been spending almost a hundred dollars on supplies for a Gunpla custom involving this thing:

Spray paint is freaking expensive.


@John_Smith so you’ve got me hooked on Star Trek I don’t know why I didn’t watch it sooner.


Ayyy, I’m glad you like it! TOS is probably my favorite show in general lol. Nothing beats Kirk, Spock, and McCoy arguing over life and death. If ya wanna discuss it more in-depth, here’s a cool place. :stuck_out_tongue:


I started college a few weeks ago.

It’s a 2 hour commute there on bus

It feels no different to high school, except the fact that there’s 3 HOURS between my classes on Mondays and Friday’s.


I had my Spanish Conversation today. I got a 90%, and the teacher is great.

Wow I died

Hopefully some of you remember me

But anyway, school started, yadda yadda. Now I’m a bit more free.

Hopefully I can make some friends again, I know a lot changes on the boards in a short amount of time.


Of course we do…

who are you again?



I’ve only ever mentioned this on discord, so i’ll recount it for the boards themselves.

sometime mid September, my landlord has asked me and my mom to leave by the end of October.

this was due to him selling the house to one of his high school friends, who was going to use it for his daughter,

the original plan was to buy the place a year from now, after ma scraped together enough money, and grab it when the landlord retired.

now, the landlord is retiring early, and we’re scrambling like hell.

our basic backup was to move next door, into a property one of my moms friends owned.

our main plan was to get a property with the help of said friend, that was still in town

what ensued was us winning the auction on the property, then a whole lot of paperwork bullcrap, and the friend being wishy-washy, saying that he wouldn’t rent out to us, because he wanted more rent, then saying that he’s rent to us, but without the cat, and lastly, decided that he’ll rent out to us with our cat allowed.

so after that bullcrap that’s been plaguing the last 1-1 1/2 weeks, we’ve sold most of our larger furniture, and have just now moved our cat to a different friend’s place, so we can pack up.


I’m also from a VERY low-income family, so, landlord selling the property has basically meant that we’re facing the threat of homelessness.

I’ve cried harder this past month than i have all year.

I hope this’ll explain my inactivity, @Gilahu.


I’ve had an ear infection for a week or so and I woke up today with the chance that it might lead to deafness in one ear.

My water was knocked out by Matthew, so I had to spend about two hours biking up to food lion to buy some bottled water so we don’t die of thirst.

Only to see it wasn’t there. it was a whole empty shelf.

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So I got hit by Matthew pretty hard. Didn’t have power/water for a day and a half, but all is alright now.

Hope everyone else hit is okay/gets things restored soon <3


Went to the doctor and fortunately it’s only an infection.
Unfortunately it’s in my other ear too, but symptoms are only in my right.
Doc gave me some meds and hopefully should get better by the end of the week


The last few months of my life have been a rollwrcoster ride. First I started high school, which seems normal until you realize I came from a school if 40 kids. I litteraly had 2 kids in my grade. Second, I got a job working weekends at an apple orchard, which is pretty stressful and makes me the worst friend ever because I can never spend time with my friends because I’m at work. Than, my YouTube channel tripled in size and takes up almost all free time, because I do a lot of stop motion on it.

I’m not complaining though because all those things have been going great. I’m doing well in school, my boss loves me, and I have the nicest subscribers ever.


I have a recommendation for a great free workout program I do called F3 (link to site here, assuming it’s not against advertising rules: http://f3nation.com/). The hard part being it’s not everywhere, only select parts of the U.S., and you have to workout pretty early in the morning. Still, it helped me get into shape.

As for me, right now I have loads of schoolwork (wonder what I’m doing spending on my time on the Boards, LOL), to where I’m working from 7:00 in the morning till 8:00 or 9:00 at night. Hopefully it’ll pass over, otherwise, it’s a good experience to have under my belt.

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Thanks for telling me about that workout, but I already have my own workout I do at the gym that works really well for me.

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Insert jaw-drop


Keep in mind i posted that a while back, so the weight I work with has increased. But the reps have gone down, and I have added a few other things. I’m usually in the gym for about an hour and a half to two hours doing this.

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