What's your MOCing method?

I do not like that style of MOCs…and I do not like that joke…

The point is, Rando was making fun of that style of MOCs with that comment. That’s what makes it funny.


Okay! now I get it!..lol…well…ON TOPIC!

I also tend to repeat creteqes in my head so I can work on that…

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Well, the only thing I attempt on MoCs are experimental. Every time I MoC, I experiment with trying to create and perfect techniques. That’s my MoCing process for you.


Close enough.


Almost perfect.


Put parts together until I think I could get internet points from it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I just throw together parts until i get something that looks good.

Step 1) Don’t MOC.


Boo hiss.


Pulls out shotgun Tell that to MY FACE!


@Pot8o that MOC…needs to die…


@Mistuh_Grammaticul you…are now my friend…

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Ekora can never die

much to @Ekorak’s dismay.

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wait…I have a idea…

bombs your house


No one can kill Pot8o. That is a fact.


Well, I actually have a very weird way of making MoCs.

  1. I draw up a concept piece for the character I have in my head.
  2. After that’s all done, I grab a random piece and work my way around it, finding ways to create a good custom torso, since I always start out with that part of the body.
  3. Repeat for the limbs, and the head if necessary.
  4. See that my MoC looks like trash and revamp it over and over and over and over…
  5. Actually become satisfied with the final product, then most likely end up destroying it for parts. Unless its my self-MoC, then it’s safe.
  1. Try to recreate technique found online
  2. Build off of that
  3. Realize technique from 1 doesn’t fit with existing moc and replace it.
  4. Repeat 3 with other parts of moc until it looks decent.
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  1. Figure out a rough design in my head-brain.
  2. Think of some snazzy colo(u)rs I can use for said rough design.
  3. Discover I don’t have the right pieces for original design.
  4. Work around piece limitations.
  5. Create funky name for MOC.
  6. Reali(s)(z)e I suck at MOCing.
  7. Cry.

Hope this helps other MOCists!


When I want to build a MOC I tend to gather parts that I want to add, and then find a way to attach them until I’m happy with it. For example, I knew that I wanted the Stronius mask on Serethus’ back, and then I figured out how to add it.

I spend hours trying to figure out a combination of parts that won’t work…and then I just figure out something at the last minute.

I also use official sets as references sometimes.

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I first create either a inika or custom frame. Then i add on parts- Example- My MOC needed nuva armor so i made a frame, then concealed it within with the armor.

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