When LEGO Normies try to talk BIONICLE...

Have you ever had an experience where a LEGO (normie) fan is talking about BIONICLE but got some fact wrong in a facepalming way?

Couldn’t help but share a recent case from a clickbaity LEGO YouTube Channel BrickedUpTV in “FAILED Lego Products” randomly recommended by The Algorithm.

Thesis: “BIONICLE is both iconic and the biggest failure”

“LEGO decided to randomly cancel BIONICLE in 2010”
Boy we sure wish they didn’t, but diminishing returns and continuity fatigue/complexity are market factors.

“They instantly regretted the decision (to cancel G1) because they failed to reboot it twice”

Does that imply they should have made BIONICLE an evergreen theme if they soft rebooted it and kept it small to like 6 sets a year or something? We sure wish that it was possible…

“Bionicle Hero Factory came out in 2014” - this BRUH moment made me want to write all of this…

“(Bionicle G2) was a financial disaster and ruined Bionicles for a lot of fans” - guess that’s in discussion to this day.

Of course Galidor easily ends up in failure lists, but

“Galidor would became BIONICLE” and what in world does he mean by “as well as the set of Galidor toys”? Gaidor the show became Gaidor the toys which failed to sell the show?



More recently a SW youtuber completely deminished the theme’s existence and claimed that Star Wars saved lego from bankruptcy when it was one of the reasons the company had no money due to license costs :skull: luckily everyone in the comments already pointed out he’s wrong


I’ve kind of felt something similar.

My brothers hate me in every way so naturally my liking of Bionicle is a favorite starting point for any insult. They say stuff that ranges from “Oh is that a new Toa Nui Metru” (actual quote from them, by the way) to trying to mock me when I told my mom about why 07 lime joints sucked.

As for other Lego fans, I’ve heard that some people (my brothers included, go figure) don’t consider Bionicle as Lego… which is blatantly wrong. It was made by Lego. It’s compatible with Lego. Heck, most of the pieces have Lego molded on the side!


Show them the Tarakava, they use bricks in the build


even though it went on hiatus in 2010 it was rebooted in 2015 using toy sets from Lego Hero Factory

It’s neat how green means air, because with my constant sinus condition I’ve always believed the air is made of green particles too.

each Metru has a different kind of Vahki defending it (thus a different Vahki toy to be sold by Lego. Smart businessmen!)

Roses are red
My belt is too tight

Morbuzakh (Gesundheit!)

with a backstory so complicated that no six-year old waiting to play with his Lego action figure will every sit down and listen to. I might be wrong on that last part as there are at least four Bionicle websites around, each with active message boards.

That’s Toa Metru Vakama, the new Toa of fire elements. He (She? It?) is having a vision right the moment

The reason his disk launcher doesn’t work is probably because she’s actually one of the Bionicles included in the McDonalds happy meals.

Just as the monster is about to destroy her, a giant fiery hand shoots from its chest and puts the squeeze on Vakama. When she awakes she’s stuck in a spider web.

This one refers to the Tahtorak:

a giant Bionicle Lego monster that must cost at least $40-$50 bucks. I mean, look at the size of this thing. I bet it takes 2 to 3 hours to even assemble.

The Bionicle experience is so well planned out that you may not notice how much they are selling the product to you at every opportunity. It’s a slick system. I’m just glad that toys are all they are trying to promote.


I feel like I just got jumped


One time this guy asked me the difference between bionicle and hero factory.

That’s like asking the difference between ninjago and like Lego city or something


Alternate timeline where Hero Factory never existed