Which head should I use?


@SmeatyFlavor I might but my camera is kind of crappy

I like both, but something about the second one just sticks out to me more.

I’m no pro MOCist, but from someone who enjoys MOCs, I like option #2 more.

Probably option two. However, I think the front of one looks more streamlined, if you’re going for a quick Rahi. But if you’re going for a more brutish one, two all the way.

I like the first better.

The second


Edited Title For Clarity - KekekOfJimmies


I say the second.

@ouberry its going to be a medium vulture like rahi

I don’t like the horns on either of them, try making them go up instead of out.

@Xing1870 na it looks like a bunny if I do that

I’d say go with the second one.

Have you tried making the jaw hinge?

definitely the bottom one looks better(like everyone said)