Which head should I use?

I’m making a rahi moc and I cant decide which I like more so I wanted to get a opinion from other people that make mocs .


the second one is better, also don’t you mean which instead of witch?


The bottom one has a better look from more angles to me.

Edited title for grammer -Some_guy

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@Asriel thanks fixed the typo


Shouldn’t this be in LEGO Creations?

I vote for option number two.

edited category -Xevy

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The second one looks better since it gives it more of a Predator look

Second. It kinda reminds me of a snake jaw.

the first drops down too far, go with the second one.

Is there any way to use both? If not, I’d go with #2.

Both good, top one seems like a bird, bottom seems like a more common animal.

The second one.

The second one works better if you’re posing it from the side.

They both look fantastic, but I think I slightly prefer the second one with the Pohatu claw. Nice head design, are you going to post the MoC when it’s finished?

the last one , definitly!!!

where is that main head piece from?

A vikings set if I’m not mistaken.

that explains why I’ve never seen it.

The second one, is the better one.