Not a mask, but this is the headgear my SelfMOC uses.
My favorite Kahohi is the Avohkii, mainly because of its role in the story.
My favorite Mask of Power is the Protector Mask. Its sleek design could easily fit in as a 2001 mask, and I love that we have the same mold in 7 colors.
My Self-MOC-in-progress has a Finn head, which I plan to paint.
I always thought your picture was a white version of nokama hordika’s head. Huh.
The 2016 mask of Ice
Either the Pakari or the Kakama
A kanohi Huna or Crast. because they both illustrate my relationship with humanity.
Oh yeah, and having a mask that can be used to the same effect as Pain’s Almighty push is pretty cool.
My character tends to resemble Beast Wars Rampage as shown here;
So for the mask i tend to use Jutlin’s
Though i intend to use the Mask Of Ultimate Power when that is released given its six-pronged nature.
I try to get people to associate me with the Slizer foot for a mask.
Mask of Truth for me!
Nah, you are clearly the Brain attack visor piece.
The Kanohi Mahiki.
Matau FTW!
the huna,
because nobody notices me…
The Pakari, mostly because of it’s association with Onua, and Onua’s associated with earth, and I kinda identify with earth as an element so that. I should never explain anything again ever in the history of ever.
I’m either Mask of Ice or Kualsi.
i’m totaly a blue hau (with horns) guy.
Volitak: Because i’m a sneaky dude.
Kiril: Because sleep = regeneration, and sleeping is my thing.
Giantdad Mask: because i’m not a casul.
Even though I have my new self-MOC now, the mask that I relate my self to will always be the Black Phantom mask…
Simply because my 2 favourite Toa’s wear these(well jaller now got an Anthron)
My two self MOCs use the beast Huna and the mask of fire. But since G2 is active right now, I am going to say I associate myself with the mask of fire…For now.
Makaya, the Mask of Healing
(Looks like a cross between a Noble Huna and a Protector Mask)