Which person in TTV do you like?


I like ven the most cause of his humour and eljole erm eljay as a close second

Lol ok

Meso and Eljay. The reviews and MNOG playthrough are/were awesome. I’m also excited for Meso to play MNOG II.

Gosh Dangit, I like all of them! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m not too sure about that… :confused:

Venom is love. Venom is life

  1. Meso
  2. Meso
  3. Meso
  4. Eljay or Var

It was Varteran’s Autopsy videos that really got me into watching TTV and paying close attention, so my affections go to Var. bats eyes flirtatiously


Eljay is love. Eljay is life.

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eljay all da way

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Br0, lj s00 manestreme.

Kahi is where it’s at. Kahi and his homeboys the Ravens.

Imagines Kahi and several Chima Ravens in gang and hoodlum attire


@Greencapps Agreed :smile

@Nyran Lol nice XD

Edited for double post- Star

I love them all <3

To be honest, I really had to think of who makes me laugh the most. I believe that award goes to @IllustriousVar! Congrats, mate :wink:

That and his reaction to Five Nights at Freddy’s was hilarious.