Who is your favorite Nexo Knights character?

My favorite characters have to be Ava, Macy, and Aaron.


It’s a little early to tell, but surprisingly I’m liking Macy, Merlock, Axl, and any squirebots. However I think my absolute favorites have to be Jestro and the BoM.


Ava and Robin are the two most proactive and useful protagonist characters, so my hats off to the two of them

They seem to be the only two besides Clay(whose overzealousy and ridiculous standards bother me) and Macy(who hasn’t really done anything yet) who actually want to be there

But I just love something about Robin and Ava’s potential dynamic.

I can only imagine that since Robin dreams of becoming a knight, that he has visions and delusions of grandeur, wanting to be the hero, maybe even having thoughts of rescuing a distressed Ava

But due to her apparent budding career in technomagic, Ava would actually be the hypercompetent member of the duo.

Jestro and The Book have also made good impressions, though.


I’ve only seen episodes 1-2.
But I like Lance.


Because unlike his predecessors, he does not wear tights and is not a bird. And he’s actually likeable. And his ultimate reminds me of LU.

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I, too, like brave Sir Robin.

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King Halbert

I like to imagine lego designed him after the Burger King mascot. He even fights a creepy clown!


That’s hilarious


I really like Macy for some reason. ( To be honest, when you look at her print, she have a great body shape if she was ever real. LOL )

The others fell flat for.
Clay is boring.
Lance is spoiled af.
Axl eats everything.
Aaron wants the thrill.
Robin wants to become Clay.
I can’t figure why Eva sticks around. Is she paid?
Merlock got stuck into a server since the knights were incompetent.

Hope the characterization evolve alongside the seasons.


So I just got a necrolike on this topic and figured it was as good a reason as any to revive it kinda

Mostly I just wanna reply to this one part

So she’s not the most cheery or emotional individual

that doesn’t mean she can’t be altruistic to at least a certain capacity.

Her and Robin’s aspirations and competency make them easily the most likable of the main cast, and this has remained true even into the second year.

It’s been kind of a bummer seeing Robin take a backseat this season, though

Mostly relegated to team mechanic. I’d love to see him participate in more of the action with all his gadgets and such.

This is a list of my favorite Nexo Knights characters. I included some fanmade titles of my own making alongside the official character names, to describe what these characters are in a few words.

In this list, I decided to talk about characters on basic level, for two reasons. Firstly, while I watched the show, I watched only a part of it, and I do not remember it very clearly. Secondly, I think that while Nexo Knights were very good on conceptual level, as a show, they were okay. I do not want to lessen my enjoyment of these characters, so I do not particularly want to rewatch the show.

3. Jestro, the Bad Jester
Jestro is a great take on an evil clown character because he is not truly evil, he is just a jester who is bad at everything he does, and so, he serves evil, because he thinks it is only thing he is good at.

2. Merlok, the Installation Wizard
Merlok is an ancient wizard who once banished an evil sorcerer. His body is destroyed in an accident, and he becomes a spirit inhabiting modern technology that was developed long after said sorcerer was dealt with. As that spirit, he guides the knights and grants them techno-magical powers to aid them in their quest. I think conceptually, Merlok is at least as interesting idea as Master Wu.

1. Monstrox, the Evil Sorcerer of Evil! Mwahaha!

Grimoire of evil spells, Book of Monsters seems to be simply a malevolent sentient book. He is actually spirit of book’s former owner, evil sorcerer Monstrox, trapped inside his own spellbook by the good wizard Merlok. He is freed by the failed royal jester Jestro, and manipulates him into first summoning demons, and then into giving him back spellbooks that contained his power. Eventually, Monstrox regains his power before being defeated.

The book containing the evil sorcerer is destroyed, but Monstrox’s spirit is freed, becoming a cloud of corruption and evil, whose thunderbolts can revive stone statues, such as petrified remains of Monstrox’s original monsters. Monstrox is angry he failed to take over for second time, and so he decides to destroy Knighton. When that fails, Monstrox decides to return to conquering the kingdom, but modernize his instruments of evil.

While rest of Knighton has changed and evolved since times when Monstrox was first defeated, the sorcerer until now solely used his old magic. But now, Monstrox is back in most threatening form he has ever been, concoction of powerful magic and modern technology, mixed in an evil cauldron of evil. He succeeds in taking over Knighton’s modern technology and turning many of the denizens into vampires.

Monstrox finally succeeded in gaining power over Knighton, ruling as a dark lord of sorcery and technology. But the forces of good won in the end, expelling the evil-wizard-turned-evil-spirit forever…or did they? We may never know, for the show was unfortunately cancelled in its second year, and the theme in the third year.

I think Monstrox counts as one of Lego’s best villains, perhaps even surpassing Pharaoh Amset-Ra, who did not get as long time to be developed.

I like that (counting backstory) Monstrox has four distinct forms that look differently and operate in different ways, four different evil plans, and evolving goals. At first he wanted just to take over Knighton, then take over Knighton and take revenge on Merlok for sealing him, then to destroy Knighton in fury of vengeance, and then to take over the Knighton and take revenge on those who dared to oppose him.

Yes, Monstrox was probably the best character out of the entire theme. He was the only one who got significant character development, and he was also the only one who seemed to have an actual plan during the show.