So, say that Bionicle as a minifigure theme took off and it got to the point where Lego wanted to make a Collectible Minifigure Series, or CMF, of 16 minifigures to celebrate that fact. Out of all of G1’s expansive lore, which 16 characters do you think would work best in a Bionicle Minifigure Series?
Good Guy.
shakes fist emphatically
Canon characters, Vexus. XD
I’ll kick it off with the obvious one then. Tahu.
- All 6 Toa Mata.
- Takanuva
- Matoro Mahri
- Mata-Nui
- Ackar
- Kina
- Gresh
- Skrall
- Makuta (Teridax)
- Macku
- Hewkii (Matoran)
- Tahu Mata
- Gali Nuva
- Takanuva
- Nuju Metru
- Whenua Hordika
- Vezok
- Matoro Mahri
- Pohatu Nuva Phantoka
- Goast Mistika
- Mata Nui
- Jaller Inika
- Onua Mata
- Lewa Nuva
- Kopaka Nuva Phantoka
- Vakama Metru
- Skrall
I think Takutanuva would a be a prime candidate for a CMF. He’s someone that would be recognizable, but probably wouldn’t be made in a set, so a CMF would be the perfect place to put an unique, exclusive figure like it.
- Tahu Mata
- Pohatu Mata
- Lewa Mata
- Onua Mata
- Gali Mata
- Kopaka Mata
- Takua
- Takanuva
- Turaga Vakama
- Toa Lhikan
- Makuta Teridax (Based on 2003 set)
- Mata Nui (Yellow version)
- Brutaka
- Axonn
- Vezon
- Matoro Mahri
This is actually a great point! However, the CMF series I’m sort of imagining in the question is something like the Disney series, where all of the main characters are there, if that makes sense.
Ahh, I thought it was more like the batman ones, where since there are already sets containing the normal characters, they put more obscure characters in the CMF.
That’s fair. And, honestly, that might end up being more interesting. Beyond Takatanuva, who else would be in this more obscure series?
Probably some folks like Vezon, Lihkan, Axxon, Brutaka, Maybe Helryx or Lesovik. Full golden armor Stars Tahu could also be cool to see.
Any character would be fine I’d just be happy if we got one.
I’d like to see them tackle a Rahkshi. Probably go with something like the cmf shark suit guy.
A bohrok, short legs, large shield accessories and a printed krana on a sandwich board head. Or maybe a krana print on a regular head with a large helmet?
Of course any Lewa mata fig would have to include either an extra infected miru or krana.
I’ll do two lists for both of the above proposed scenarios - one being if this was a stand-alone series (20th anniversary please ) and one for “exclusive” characters that wouldn’t otherwise get minifigures for in a hypothetical G1 system release (which will never happen… )
Scenario 1: Stand-Alone release
- Tahu (Mata) - with alternate Golden Mask
- Gali (Mata) - with water “Power Blasts”
- Kopaka (Mata)
- Onua (Mata)
- Pohatu (Mata) - with Kolhii Ball
- Lewa (Mata) - with alternate Krana mask
- Vakama (Turaga) - with alternate Vahi mask
- Jaller (Matoran) - with Bamboo Disk and Ta-Koro guard staff
- Takanuva
- Makuta Teridax (2003 Titan)
- Hahli (Inika)
- Axonn
- Brutaka
- Vezon
- Matoro (Mahri)
- Mata Nui (Toa)
Scenario 2: Exclusive characters in tandem release with main line
- Tahu (Golden Armour)
- Turaga Nokama
- Takua - with backpack and Lightstone
- Makuta Teridax (Infected Matoran Form)
- Ahkmou - with Infected Kolhii Ball
- Lhikan (Toa)
- Nidhiki (Toa)
- Krakua
- Vezon
- Matoro (Mahri)
- Kalmah
- Toa Ignika
- Takanuva (Twilight)
- Artahka
- Karzahni (pre-mutation)
- Ekimu
- Tahu Mata
- Matoran Makuta
- Jaller + Takua
- Takanuva
- Turahk
- Lhikan
- Matoran in Pod
- Matau Hordika
- Roodaka
- Nuparu Inika
- Zaktan
- Matoro Mahri
- Hahli Mahri
- Toa Ignika
- Mata Nui
I tried to steer away from having only the Fire bois being represented all the time even though they take center stage a lot, the rest is just personal preference, recognizable designs.
With all this in mind, I’ve made a Tahu minifigure as a proof of concept, and thanks to the @Toa-of-Snow for the idea of including the Golden Mask!
- Tahu Mata
- Gali Mata
- Pohatu Mata
- Onua Mata
- Lewa Mata
- Kopaka Mata
- Takanuva
- Takua
- Jaller (Matoran)
- Mata Nui
- Matoro (Toa)
- Vakama (Turaga)
- Vakama (Toa)
- Gresh
- Vezon
- Kalmah
- Vakama (Metru)
- Matoro (Mahri)
- Vezon
- Takanuva
- Matau (Hordika)
- Nuparu (Matoran)
- Lewa (Phantoka)
- Vorox
- Pohatu (Mata)
- Turaga Duma
- Kongu (Ignika)
- Zaktan
- Thok
- Mata Nui (Legends)
- Tahu (Mistika)
- Gali (Mata)