1: Soldier 76
My personal main and a total all round superhero, His demeanour and swagger reminds me so much of Rambo and Woods from Black Ops. Also greatest ult I’ve used since Junkrat.
And speaking of Junkrat…
2: Junkrat
He is such an upgrade from the drunk Irish demo man and I agree with you, that ult breathes in Greatness.
AND my last choice.
3: Tracer.
I personally love the fact that she is lesbian, as I’ve never heard of a game that had a reference to the LGBQT community or at least a character who was gay. Also I love British chicks. Sorry Scout.
I don’t necessarily main any characters, and would rather at least have one hero I’m good with in each category. Though I like playing Reaper the most.
My favorite heroes tend to be in flux, because after a while a lot of heroes become more stale. Currently, I’d say there’s about 5 heroes that I enjoy playing the most.
5) Orisa: The most useful tank IMO. She gots shields, she gots shoots, she gots boosts. The only thing I can’t get is her grabber orb. It always seems like it never does what I want it to.
4) Lucio: Lucio was one of the first heroes I picked up, and I still enjoy playing him. My main problem is that he’s outclassed by pretty much every other healer, and is tough to play pure DPS. I wish they’d buff him to match other healers, but that doesn’t change the fact that booping is fun.
3) Junkrat: I started playing Junkrat right before the mine buff, and I’m pretty happy with where he is right now. It’s fun to blast through shields and players with reckless abandon. I don’t play him as much as I did 4 months ago, but I still enjoy my time with him.
2) Moira: I didn’t get Moira when she came out. Sure, I tried her out a bit, but nothing clicked. It wasn’t until a month later that I began to use her to her full potential. Her combo-ing abilities allow her to survive on a point for a long while, and she can 1v1 most heroes. She can DPS while still greatly healing her teammates, so you never feel like you’re not contributing. All in all, loads of fun to play. It’s a shame her design sucks.
1) Torbjorn: Yes, I am an unashamed Torb main. The people who are closest to me know I like a good joke every now and again. And who is a bigger joke than Torbjorn? Literally everything is does is stupid and hilarious. Headshotting Widows from across the map? Hilarious. Dropping armor every 3 seconds to escape death? Hilarious. Watching from the sidelines as your turret does everything for you? HILARIOUS. Combine that all with a dwarf and a smug grin, and you’ve got a winner for me. Torb is love, Torb is life.
I’m late, but I’ll pitch in because I love this game.
ROADHOG: He’s a fat pig that shoots garbage and fishes. Is there anything else that needs to be said?
D.Va: Most of my characters don’t really need to aim, but need to be close. And I love tanks, to the point where the only ones I’m not at least decent with are Zarya and Reinhardt. Flying is great, too.
Pharah: She’s fun and powerful, as well as the only “offense” character I play.
Brigitte: She’s really easy to play, and scary as well. You pretty much need to double-team her to win, in my experience.
Widowmaker: I’m not necessarily good with her, but I pretend to be. That counts, right?