Why all the hate for Legends of Chima?

You’re not really talking about anything then?
We’re not arguing about whether or not Chima has had an impact, we’re discussing why I think Nexo Knights is better than Chima.

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So what you’re saying is…they’re really ineffective chi-socialists.


I never got into Chima but they did introduce plenty of nifty parts


I never heard of Chima until recently. That being said it’s probably not something I would have been interested in if I did know about it when it was out. But the ccbs sets look pretty cool. I like the crocodile head. Could make a pretty cool looking moc with that. Wish it was still around so you could buy sets like that.

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You create a topic asking why some people “hate” a certain theme that you enjoy. And you immediately get defensive when people present different opinions than your own. Then you try to diminish and critique another group of fans of LEGO for enjoying another theme(s) that, given how you formulated your response that’s quoted above, I suspect you don’t enjoy yourself.

If you are asking why people “hate” Chima and/or Bionicle, maybe you should take a look at yourself and ask why you need to categorize LEGO fans and direct your own “hate” toward them.

Maybe this is off-topic, but these kind of behavior really grinds my gears.


I was just responding to a comment that said that Chima is weird, and I just pointed out how other types of LEGO fans also consider Bionicle, our favorite theme, weird.

I didn’t direct any hate towards anyone, I was just sharing my perspective. If some of my comments came off as “hateful” than I apologize, that was not my intention.

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I actually asked this exact question on the Lego Message Boards when they were still a thing. People said they thought the concept was strange to them, and that they hated the TV show. I only ever saw the first two episodes of the TV show, and while I didn’t hate it, it couldn’t surpass Ninjago. The storyline was okay, but there were some cheesy moments. And the voices were just…ugh. Not only was the voice acting passable at best, most of the voices just didn’t fit the characters.

The sets, on the other hand, were really stellar, in my opinion. They did such an amazing job of creating animal-themed vehicles, and the minifigures were so detailed, it was a shame so much detail was covered by armor and oversized weapons.

However, even the sets had a hitch. The “fire vs. ice” motif in the second half of 2014 was pretty cool, as it felt fresh at the time. But then they continued it into 2015, and the sets were really just more of the same as the 2014 summer wave. I feel like Fire Vs. Ice overstayed its welcome; it should’ve just been the late 2014 wave. 2015 should’ve had some new motif for Chima, like ocean animal tribes waging war on everyone else, or maybe even some dinosaur tribes.


I mean how would they involve ocean tribes? By throwing the snow tribe chi into the ocean?

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That was exactly what people on the Lego Message Boards were proposing.

That was mostly because of Ninjago’s un-cancellation in 2014, which lead to budget cuts for a lot of the themes going on at the time, such as Bionicle G2 and Chima. That’s why G2’s marketing was reduced so much, and in Chima’s final year they just ended up repeating the Fire vs Ice wave in order to save time and money.


Didn’t bionicle (G2) start in 2015 though?

based on reading what they said i think they meant bionicle may have had less money to work with from the start because of ninjagos revival, which kind of makes sense


there’s a pun here but I’m way too lazy

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based and farshteypilled

I don’t think legodavid is trying to divide fans and spread negativity. I think he just wanted to create an interesting topic.
As for you though sounds more like you should take a look at yourself cause introducing negativity is kinda what you just did with that comment.


Bionicle G2 was in production as early as 2013, about at the same time as Ninago’s un-cancellation.

I’m not sure, I actually really liked the Chima sets/minifigures. Maybe it’s because I really like animals but the animal theme was really cool to me. I admit I never watched the show though.


:nerd_face: ‎‎‎‎‎‎

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I do this far too often

Honestly, i think Legends of Chima is underrated compared to Modern Ninjago. I mean yeah the few first three, five, six or so Years & Seasons of Ninjago was better than Chima but…then Ninjago outstayed the once appreciated welcome for far too long and honestly i would have wanted to know Chima better and give it a chance if i had known what would become of Ninjago as in it lost the focus of the story and became bloated.

The following text is mostly banter and for fun, not to be taken seriously, i had to point it out
And let us makes one thing clear:The concept of anthropomorphism has existed long before the “Furry” thing became a thing so just because something is anthropomorphic does not mean it is “Furry”.If someone automatically think of Furry when it comes to Anthropomorphic characters then The Internet has ruined them.Like come on people need to get their dirty minds out of the gutter.