Why do some Bionicle fans suck?

I’m in there too Nyran, oh my god the bickering there is real


I just read a few of the comments on that video and the reply to @Studentscissors doesn’t make a lick of sense.

Student: “Bionicle is NOT dead! is star trek dead!? is transformers dead!? NO their not so shut up and name your videos better!”

Guy whose not to be mentioned: “If you had actually been paying attention to the content of the video instead of emotion and nostalgia you would have known that the ORIGINAL story is dead. They are remaking it! I never said the entire franchise was DEAD!”

Can someone tell me how Student is blinded? He didn’t say “The new universe sucks compared to the old” so that makes no sense to me.

Anyways, I’m tired of hearing people moaning about the toys, especially with the parts. But what ever, you go back to your old Bionicle figures that consistently broke.

Look there’s a lot I have to complain about, but guess what, people wanted Bionicle back and here it is. Now people do nothing but complain. GUESS WHAT EVERYONE! Bionicle returned with CCBS, there’s literally, NO surprise with that, I knew if it was going to return, it’ll be with the older build style. and if you fight with me on that, HF was more Bionicle style starting off, heck THE ORIGINAL BIONICLE sets looked a lot like Slizers/Throwbots.



Overly zealous and dumb fans often ruin communities. After all, this is a ‘newer’ toy community, unlike TF which has 30 years on it’s belt and a few other series and, while it still has the problems, it’s still going strong. I guess that it’s just cause the story’s more or less complicated. That and also it’s purely for kids


I find it funny, people complain about the nostalgia they lack? EXCUSE ME! Look at how much nostalgia they’ve brought. I’m surprised how much change and nostalgia has been brought.


maybe the guy’s just confused. Afterall getting a reboot after 5 years is a shock. Or maybe he just doesn’t get it. I can never know.

He doesn’t get it, trust me if you watch the video, he doesn’t.

Also, all the bickering will do is cancel Bionicle and get Lego to replace it, or even worse, scrap the Action Figure Technic esc line-up as a whole. I mean Chima and Super Heroes didn’t do so good if I recall.


well I would not say purely if you’ve read all hail Megatron you’d know what I mean


looks at MLP and Minecraft


Most likely not. Mainly because we’d still be buying the sets, even if we are arguing about them. LEGO is still a company, and while it may be a small reason to cancel the line (Which IMO, would cause more pointless arguing) that alone could never cancel something that isn’t community based and is, in reality, just a way to make money. But hey, LEGO could be a really nice company and cancel a line millions apparently love just because a small minority of the fans are arguing about it.

Also, this topic is kinda inaccurate to begin with, because the fans don’t suck. BIONICLE fans are just fans, and like any fandom, there are going to be loud, obnoxious ones that start bickering and yelling and being general ********. Then there are the majority of fans who don’t even interact with the community at all (Basically all the little kids LEGO is actually marketing this towards.) and then there are those people, who are a majority no matter how you look at it, who are basically good. Let’s face it, a fandom can’t work if the majority of the people in it suck. It’s only because people love a thing and do good stuff for the thing that the thing grows a community at all.

What I’m saying is, you are looking at a very small minority of the fans, and saying that because they suck, most BIONICLE fans suck. It’s simply not true because there is a much larger picture to look at here. People who do amazing things for the community (Like TTV, hey!) and people who give back to the franchise they love make up a larger population than those who wreak havoc and cause problems.


Backtrack myself, let’s say if the bickering would cause Bionicle to cancel.

At least it isnt the sonic fanbase


I haven’t seen anyone like this on the here, thank goodness.

It’s impossible to please everyone, as Greg has learned the hard way many times. There will always be whiners and jerks who are never happy and have to ruin it for everyone else.


Nostalgia can be a terrible thing.

Once something goes on long enough the fandom can get heated at times, especially on the internet. Geewunners exist in every long running fandom and there are unpleasant people in every group out there. Look at other fandoms and you can see similar things going on. Star Trek, Transformers, bronies; It’s nothing new, even to the broader LEGO fandom in general.

No matter what happens, there will be terrible fans out there and there will be complaints. It’s easy to only see the negative side of things, but the best thing to do is to counteract that by making positives. Yes, there is a “dark side” to the BIONICLE fandom but there are still many great things about it.


cough Star Wars cough

I find the BIONICLE community to be incredibly nit-picky and hard-to-please (just watch any of Eljay’s Recaps).


yeah, I could link a certain video we found yesterday, but I don’t think it’s necessary,
nit-picky is an understatement, we can be down right bratty at times with how we act about BIONICLE,
it’s a little disheartening.

that said I still agree with bio, they’res still a lot of us that are alright, like most of this board, ttv, jang if he counts.


Oh man, I’ll just leave this here.


Haters are gonna hate, personally i’m just glad we have some BIONICLE to enjoy.


Oh hey theres @Oonie. Well said.

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This title is very misleading…


i am also a Team Fortress fan if that is what you are talking about and valve sorta did screw up end of the line tho

but really we should all know that every fandom has its flaws and we just need to accept ours.