Why exactly are we supposed to want BIONICLE to come back?

They haven’t. One thing that doesn’t get acknowledged enough when looking at G2’s failures is that, outside of about a third to half of their sets being really good, it sucked. G1’s story had holes aplenty, but G2 gave the audience next to nothing to sink their teeth into, and the poor marketing and presentation ultimately killed it. The issue is not Bionicle itself, but the lack of care that went into it. Had it gotten the same support G1 did, it would have at least been successful enough to warrant the full 3 years.


I literally only want a Bionicle in a new form. Doesn’t have to be connected to G1 or rely heavily on it like G2 did.

A perfect G3 for me would be a Bionicle reimagined for a more modern audience. A Bionicle who uses the technologies of today to create something new. My ideall G3 would probably take cues from a mirriad of mythos, some mythos that I’d really think could be intresting is norse or greek mythos.

Essentially what I want from a possible G3 is the worldbuilding, mystery and transmedia format of G1 but unlike G2 I’d like a story that isn’t a watered down G1, a repeatition of G1 or heavily inspired by G1. I.e a story that is more relevant to todays issues and that can speak to both older fans and kids alike.

There is a common expression through out design and that’s “You don’t need to reinvent the wheel” to which I mostly agree but if Bionicle is to be successful in the future its going to have to reinvent aspects of the wheel to be at the peak of its performance.


Edited title to be less clickbaity




This. I think Bionicle has worlds of potential for presenting ideas and concepts in a fantastical and appealing way. G1 reached a lot of kids in ways that’d never been done before, and have scarcely been done since. I know that Bionicle introduced me to a lot of concepts that are now my bread and butter, and developed my mind in the right ways to make it so that I could delve even deeper.

I think it fills a spot that’s currently being filled by very little. A spot that can create an amazing foundation for life. For creativity and understanding.



I don’t really want bionicle back, tbh. If it did come back, it’d be too compromised like G2. All I would like is for Greg to finish the serials, and for constraction to come back.

I personally would like a constraction theme that is a fresh new take on bionicle OR a brand new theme that is INSPIRED by bionicle.


I remember clicking on this topic, seeing the first few replies, and thinking “well, sorry winger, but this won’t go anywhere.”

This is the first time in human history that Ghid has been wrong about something.

There are not enough official Akakus in existence and the noble Akaku is trash.

Because I need more Akakus.



Honestly, the reason people want Bionicle to come back is because it was Good. Unique. Special. Complex. Inspiring. Epic. Encapsulating fantasies into one source; the center point of their childhoods. Some absolute weirdos go as far to say that they learned very important life lessons from Bionicle which they should have learned elsewhere and I think some of them need therapy but aside from that:

^ quote from one of my favorite posts on the boards, which is of course by me because I’m so smart ^

Bionicle isn’t six Toa canisters sitting on a shelf waiting to be purchased. It isn’t a series of novels written by santa claus about robots fighting bad gas inside another robot’s digestive tract. Heck, it’s not even both of those things, or all the community creations and fanfictions and 3d parts and canon contests. It’s not even the community and canon and story. None of that is Bionicle.

Bionicle is what you felt when you opened and assembled your first set. It’s what you envisioned the characters to be like when you saw the advertisements in the magazine. It’s the gripping experience of watching Toa Mahri Matoro die on the page in front of you begging the fictional universe to spare those dear to him as the reward for his sacrifice. It’s the pain of a cracked joint, or the elation of a compliment on your creation toiled over for almost half an hour, or the awe and wonder of watching the GSR rise out of the most famous fictional island in children’s toys.

That’s what Bionicle is. Not a toy line, not a story, not a community project - it’s an individual experience which impacted you. That’s what people want back; the priceless feeling of excitement exclusive to that first Bionicle set. That’s never going to happen, of course, as I quoted myself above (because - again - I’m such a genius), but that’s why we want it back - because each moment was something precious and invaluable to every one who appreciated the toyline.

Elsewhere people are bickering about conceptions and headcanons being ruined. Maybe this has something to do with it - why people are so insistant on their version and their ideas: Because the heart of Bionicle is your heart and your Bionicle is unlike anyone else’s.

That will never return, unfortunately. It’s impossible.
But we want it to.

Just one more time.


G2 went bad just because it was executed bad. Even while there were good sets, even HF was executed better. So that’s purely LEGO’s fault

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So, in your opinion, what made G2 executed poorly? Not saying I disagree, just wondering.

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Well, like half of more of sets are bad. Also cartoon promotion was like nonexistent, netflix cartoon not in count. Story also was like not present almost, besides the books that you might’ve never even heard of during series run.

And it’s all was bad not only objectively, but also in comparison to all continuing and newly presented themes of middle 2010s

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Ima just plop this here because it’s relevant.


Could you elaborate on that why do you think that? Because as I saw, the general consensus is that the sets are mainly great (most of Toas, Umarak, Ekimu), good (the protectors and the creatures), mediocre (villain waves) and 1-2 bad (LoSS and Skull Scorpio).


Yes, but G2 didn’t flop because it was a fresh start. It flopped because it was barely marketed, received a lot of interference from higher-ups*, and because its story was presented incredibly poorly. I have plenty of personal gripes about G2’s story, but the core concept was solid, objectively speaking. It could have worked if it had been handled with more care and allowed to live up to its potential. Hopefully a G3 that took the same approach (a brand new story) wouldn’t suffer the same internal sabotage.

*This is admittedly speculation on my part, based on the dissonance between the unbridled enthusiasm of the set designers and concept artists and the lacklustre, unmotivated presentation of the story. It just seems to me like the Bionicle G2 team were passionate about the project and wanted it to be as grand in scale as its predecessor, but were forced to tone it down so much that it completely lost its spark

@TTheLus Hard disagree on the sets. They all had their flaws, of course, but almost all the G2 sets were excellent, IMO.

Everything else though? Yeah, exactly.

Edited for Double Post - BioKnight


I didn’t know we were supposed to want BIONICLE back, nor do I want it back. I was disappointed at the admittedly lackluster end to the story, but looking back ten years later, that “wound” has already scabbed and skinned over long ago and I have no particular need or desire to see a BIONICLE continuation in any form. I think other people want it back for the same reason anyone wants anything nostalgic back–because it was good, or they remember it as good, and it would be great to get that same thrill again. I’ve personally realized that I am not the same person I was when BIONICLE ended and wouldn’t experience it the same way, and also (more importantly), that all stories are better left off than dragged out unnecessarily. “Dragging out” includes “dredging up” from a decade ago. I think too much time has passed for BIONICLE to hold any of its former weight and interest if revitalized.

The only reason I’d be excited to see it back would be to get new mask molds, but that’s a small reason.


Honestly I think the fans would appreciate more than anything would just to have some of the older parts get recycled into newer sets or released molds for 3-D printing of em. Idk, maybe just me.


I get the feeling you’re not the only one on the boards with the “I’m always right” mentality. But then, I’m not one to judge, since I’ve used that mentality myself on more than a few occasions.

Do I even want to know what a Noble Akaku would look like? Or a Hau, or a Miru, for that matter?





Almost all y2 sets, except creatures, umarak and lava beast were awful, imo