Windicator's MOC dump

I’ve recently made two MOCs and I’ve decided to Share them whit the community.

I’m rather new to the MOCing stuff so I’ve got a limited amount of parts at my disposal but rather than give up I’m going to reuse them.

I’m putting these things here for inspiration and to showcase my MOCs.
One notable flaw is the joints involving 2 red ball-joints being not the most reliable solution but the one I came to use.

Most of the parts belong to Hero Factory set Witch Doctor
Some parts from HF sets: Scorpio and Waspix

The Image dimensions are 4272 X 2848 or flipped

I made an Improved version of the White one, lets call them according to their appearing in the album, thus it being 2. I’ll post pictures when I’m getting

Windicators MOC's

first one looks sorta nice but has a jarring colorscheme for me… the second looks cohesive but them red balljoints and the anatomy of the thing bother me… otherwise nice simple mocs

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Honestly, they’re pretty messy. The color scheme (or rather the lack of one) is very jarring on the fist one. The second one is better. It’s still kinda gappy tho.

looks cool i like it! gappy in some areas but nothing you cant fix :wink: