With Windows 10 being released at the end of this July, what are you looking forward to and what are you not happy about.
For me, I’m happy they are adding multiple desktops, but I’m not happy they are removing the start screen.
What about you
With Windows 10 being released at the end of this July, what are you looking forward to and what are you not happy about.
For me, I’m happy they are adding multiple desktops, but I’m not happy they are removing the start screen.
What about you
It’s not out yet?
My friend already got it…
I don’t know whether or not I want to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 or not.
People, start trying to convince me to pick a side.
Vote Windows 7
I might get it.
Wow, way to go against the current! I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen a desktop user say they liked the start screen before. I hate it with a passion.
They aren’t even really removing the start screen. I’ve been using Windows 10 since January, you can alternate between the start menu, ala classic Windows, or choose to make the menu full-screen to mimic the Windows 8 start screen.
It doesn’t look as pretty, but it works fundamentally the same.
It’s been operating in an open beta format. You can sign up and opt-in to try it out before the finished product is released. Though, it’s very glitchy at times, and there’s a risk of harming your computer when using an unfinished OS.
I’m going to upgrade to it, I’ve been using 7 for years now because I was avoiding 8. There was a ton I hated about 8. But 10 seems to be fixing all that I hated about it, and adding some stuff I really look forward to. I can’t wait to try out Windows version of Siri.
Ya know I’m also looking forward to the new browser Microsoft is releasing for for particular reason
I’d have to look at it in more depth, but I’m open for it as long as it gets rid of all of Win8’s crap. 7 is still my ideal OS at the moment.
I’ve been using 8/8.1 for a while now (Its honestly no different then 7) so I’ll probably upgrade when it comes around.
Windows 8 gets a bad rap just because it’s “different”.
Honestly, if you ignore the Start Screen (which can be completely ignored most of the time), it’s really very similar to Windows 7.
Unless the auto-sort function can be disabled again, like before Windows 7, I don’t really care.
Are they getting rid of live tiles? I like those.
I have no idea but if you are referring to things like news updates, then I hope not as well
I’ll be upgrading from Win7 to Win10 as it happens to be free and not Win8. But in stead of switching the OS as soon as possible I’d have a look at other people’s opinions on 10.
If anyone has a good review of Win10, please let me know.
I have 2 PCs. I’ll install it on the one I use less and let you know
I’m honestly pretty excited for Windows 10. I think it’s a step in the right direction. OS design is something that you just cannot skimp out on, and Windows 8 made a definite misstep with separating the App and Windows environments with 8.
10 seems to be wanting to get back on track, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted. Microsoft really needs to step up it’s game.
I took the “risk” of downloading 10, and it’s slow at the start, I guess it will perform quicker later on.