Words you pronounce differently

I always do things like that when I talk too fast, so you’re not the only one.

i can’t stop pronouncing protein with a german ei

I always do a long a like no - naw

Used to pronounce saccharine as Sah-CAR-een.

Nothing else comes to mind.

Something that I used to do, and really bugs me, is people pronouncing “Pronunciation” as “Pro-noun-ciation.”

I can’t think of anything I pronounce differently.

But I did find out that I had been mispronouncing Guile for a while.

Not as bad as me… I used to call him heek-wee


having a lisp (and dyslexia) i have some trouble pronouncing some words normally a big example being sit… im sure you can figure out for yourself what goes wrong there.

I’ve lost all respect for you…


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