Worst Bionicle Figure You Own

I don’t really have a set I hated that I own. Although I want to point out something with the Mistika, I’m not opposing any bodies hating opinion on them, but it’s something that I realized. The Mistika gave us what the original 3 versions of Onua, Tahu, and Gali never had, knee articulation.

Disappointment in a box.


Fixed that for ya.



Close second is Ketar

Ironically, I have two of both



My Protector of Stone that only came with the smaller bag.
I was able to make a Skull Spider and the Head


Yeesh, might want to contact Lego about that

It was from Amazon.
I got a new one though

I legitimately forgot who Ketar is lmao thats shows how memorable he is

Probably Kirop or Tarduk because pretty much every part of their already simplistic build broke down. Like if I would scrap those parts I would be left with two torso’s and two heads…

There are no bad BIONICLE figures.

Admittedly, I’d say Pridak here. He’s disassembled now, but I recall his gigantic head getting in the way of play and his forearms being irkingly curved. Plus his feet were annoyingly long.

i would have to say that my least favorite/most hated yet also kinda still loved official set would have the be the 2002 set of pohatu nuva due to what i feel are two major issues in his overall design. that being on the low end how his head is connected. tho thats something i could overlook since most sets from that time had rather poor head connections. the real worst issue is how the arms were done. i mean at the only one that kicks his arms were shafted and he ends up with a really poor connection and angle for his arms and it irks me to this day



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Kazi is even worse then the Av Maotran builds, and thats saying something :frowning_face:

I’ve historically said the Rahaga are some of the worst BIONICLE figures ever:

  • Clone sets
  • No new parts and barely new colors for parts
  • Unappealing figure design, so flat and uninspired. Looks like a Good Guy/Bad Guy set.
  • Rahkshi heads with staffs, really?
  • Rhotuka spinners don’t work well on their bodies.
  • Barely poseable, even less so than Metrutoran and they use the same limbs.

I will give it this, the combo models are okay. But still the Rahaga set-wise are just a bunch of little baby mans. And not in a good way.

Mic drop.

Maniac4Bricks (Joey)

I like the Rahaga because I think they’re cute.

i really want to like Ehlek but his lime joints are stopping me from liking him.

The worst figure I have is probably the zesk. I mean, it’s not because he’s bad, it’s because he’s less good than all the other sets I have. I still like him though.

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Krekka.That thing is got a stupid function,a weird head,and the stubbest arms ive ever seen.ALSO HES SCRAPPING GAPPY!HES THE GAPPYEST FIGURE WITH GIANT CLOWN SHOES AND STUPIDLY STUBBY ARMS!!!

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The av-matoran builds, as awful as they are, don’t disappoint me that much when compared to other small sets. The specialized parts suck, but the complaints about articulation never really made much sense to me when most small sets are similarly if not even more restrictive. (looking at you, kazi.)

If I owned them, I’d probably say one of the uniters, given how many of their flaws are baffling and entirely unnecessary rather than the result of tradeoffs like a lot of other sets.

However, I don’t own many G2 sets, so instead I have to go with Cahdok and Gahdok. There are other flawed G1 sets, but most of them at least accomplish the thing they’re supposed to do. The bahrag on the other hand should never have passed LEGO’s quality control standards - the force required to properly use the function is so high that I’ve found they actually start falling apart with sustained play. (In particular, the liftarms in the area above the trigger mechanism start to come loose.)

The intended play pattern also never really worked for me. Even when using full force on the mechanism, I’ve never been able to get them to latch onto each others’ weak points. What’s more, for some reason LEGO decided to make them the only sets from 2001-2003 that don’t play into the play function ecosystem. Everything else has weak points designed to be accessible to any other set’s play function, most obviously masks but also things like the rahkshi’s head popping open their shell or the Exo-Toa’s cockpit latch. The bahrag, however, have a weak point that requires pulling, meaning out of all the other sets only the Exo-Toa is able to interact with it effectively. They also oddly lack any krana or means of interfacing with them, further making them feel out of place among the sets they’re intended to stand alongside.

Also it mildly annoys me that despite having the same rough body layout as the bohrok they cannot turn into a ball.

Given that they retailed for a whopping $60, I find them far more of a disappointment than any other set I own.


My least favorite set I own might be Kongu Mahri. I just think he’s so ridiculous looking with the two huge cordak blasters, I’m not a fan of his mask or color scheme either.

Kongu Inika would be a close follow up because his mask is just unsettling to me especially for what’s meant to be a hero character.